Vendor Direct Fulfillment Shipping API v1 Use Case Guide
How to help vendors in the direct fulfillment (DF) program use the shipping API to manage their direct fulfillment operations.
API Version: v1
What is the Direct Fulfillment Shipping API?
Vendors can use the Direct Fulfillment Shipping API to exchange shipment related documents with Amazon. Vendors can request shipping labels, receive shipping labels, send shipment confirmations, get packing slips, and retrieve customer invoices.
Please note that customer invoices are specific to the India region.
The following operations are available:
Operation | HTTP Method | Path | Description |
POST | /vendor/directFulfillment/shipping/v1/shippingLabels |
Submit single or multiple shipping label requests. |
GET | /vendor/directFulfillment/shipping/v1/shippingLabels |
Get a list of shipping labels based on filter criterion. Note: This is a restricted operation and therefore requires a Restricted Data Token (RDT) for authorization. For more information, refer to the Tokens API Use Case Guide. |
Get a shipping label by purchase order number. Note: Shipping labels will expire 90 days after creation through a submit shipping label request, hence shipping labels older than 90 days should not be requested. |
POST | /vendor/directFulfillment/shipping/v1/shipmentConfirmations |
Submit single or multiple shipment confirmations to Amazon. |
POST | /vendor/directFulfillment/shipping/v1/shipmentStatusUpdates |
Submit a shipment status update. Vendor Own Carrier vendors only. |
GET | /vendor/directFulfillment/shipping/v1/packingSlips |
Get a list of packing slips based on creation date range. Note: This is a restricted operation and therefore requires a Restricted Data Token (RDT) for authorization. For more information, refer to the Tokens API Use Case Guide. |
GET | /vendor/directFulfillment/shipping/v1/packingSlips/{purchaseOrderNumber} |
Get the packing slip for a specific order by purchase order number. Note: Data retrieval can only go back six months, meaning that createdBefore cannot be more than six months in the past. |
GET | /vendor/directFulfillment/shipping/v1/customerInvoices |
Get a list of customer invoices based on filter criterion. Note: This is a restricted operation and therefore requires a Restricted Data Token (RDT) for authorization. For more information, refer to the Tokens API Use Case Guide. |
GET | /vendor/directFulfillment/shipping/v1/customerInvoices/{purchaseOrderNumber} |
Get a customer invoice by purchase order number. Note: Data retrieval can only go back six months, meaning that createdBefore cannot be more than six months in the past. |
The submitShippingLabelRequest
operation allows vendors to request shipping label information from Amazon for each purchase order. You can send multiple shipping label requests in bulk in one API call by adhering to the schema. When shipment labels are created by Amazon, they will be available to download using the getShippingLabel
Verification of successfully submitted shipping label requests
Vendors can verify the status of their shipping label requests using the Direct Fulfillment Transaction Status API. Allow the system up to 15 min to show the status after submission. If the transaction status is not updated after 30 minutes, open a Contact Us case in Vendor Central.
Shipping Label Request API integration workflow
The following diagram shows the workflow for submitting shipping label requests.
Business requirements
Amazon must receive a shipping label request after the purchase order is confirmed to be accepted by the vendor using the order acknowledgement API.
If using Amazon own shipping labels, sending item information or package information in the request is optional.
Country specific business requirements
No country specific requirements exist.
submitShippingLabelRequest Request
To request shipping labels, call the submitShippingLabelRequest
operation and pass the following parameter:
Body parameter:
Name |
Description |
Required |
shippingLabelRequests |
Request one or more shipping labels.
Type: <
Yes |
Request example:
"shippingLabelRequests": [
"purchaseOrderNumber": "2JK3S9VC",
"sellingParty": {
"partyId": "999US"
"shipFromParty": {
"partyId": "ABCD"
"containers": [
"containerType": "carton",
"containerIdentifier": "123",
"trackingNumber": "XXXX",
"dimensions": {
"length": "12",
"width": "12",
"height": "12",
"unitOfMeasure": "IN"
"weight": {
"unitOfMeasure": "KG",
"value": "10"
"packedItems": [
"itemSequenceNumber": 1,
"buyerProductIdentifier": "B07DFVDRAB",
"packedQuantity": {
"amount": 1,
"unitOfMeasure": "Each"
submitShippingLabelRequest Response
A successful response includes the following:
Name |
Description |
Required |
GUID to identify this transaction. This value can be used with the Transaction Status API to return the status of this transaction.
Type: string |
No |
Response example:
"transactionId": "20190905010908-8a3b6901-ef20-412f-9270-21c021796605"
The getShippingLabels
operation returns shipping labels for all orders which meet the filter criteria specified in the request. You must have already requested shipping labels using the submitShippingLabelRequest
operation before you use this API to get shipping labels available to you for fulfillment. Amazon recommends that vendors check for shipping labels at least once per hour during business hours. Depending on your business volume, you can choose to check more frequently. You can get up to 100 shipping labels in one API call. If there are more than 100 shipping labels you can use the nextToken value to get the next set of shipping labels.
Restricted Data Token for authorization
This is a restricted operation and therefore requires a Restricted Data Token (RDT) for authorization. For more information, refer to the Tokens API Use Case Guide.
The following diagram shows the integration workflow when retrieving shipping labels:
getShippingLabels Request
To retrieve a list of shipping labels, call the getShippingLabels
operation and pass the following parameters:
Query parameters:
Name | Description | Required |
shipFromPartyId |
The vendor warehouseId from which the order will be fulfilled. If not specified, the result will contain orders for all warehouses.
Type: string |
No |
limit |
The limit to the number of records returned.
Minimum : 1 Maximum : 100 Type: integer |
No |
createdAfter |
Shipping labels that became available after this date and time will be included in the result. Must be in ISO-8601 date/time format.
Type: string (date-time) |
Yes |
createdBefore |
Shipping labels that became available before this date and time will be included in the result. Must be in ISO-8601 date/time format.
Type: string (date-time) |
Yes |
sortOrder |
Sort ascending (ASC ) or descending (DESC ) by order creation date.
Type: enum (
No |
nextToken |
Used for pagination when there are more ship labels than the specified result size limit. The token value is returned in the previous API call.
Type: string |
No |
Request example:
getShippingLabels Response
A successful response includes the following:
Name | Description | Required |
pagination |
If more than 100 ship labels are returned, nextToken is returned in the response for pagination.
Type: string |
No |
shippingLabels |
List of ship labels.
Type: <
No |
Response example:
"pagination": {
"nextToken": "MDAwMDAwMDAwMQ=="
"shippingLabels": [
"purchaseOrderNumber": "2JK3S9VC",
"sellingParty": {
"partyId": "999US"
"shipFromParty": {
"partyId": "ABCD"
"labelFormat": "PNG",
"labelData": [
"packageIdentifier": "PKG001",
"trackingNumber": "1Z6A34Y60369738804",
"shipMethod": "UPS_GR_RES",
"shipMethodName": "UPS Ground Residential",
"content": "Base 64 encoded string goes here "
"purchaseOrderNumber": "2JK3S9VD",
"sellingParty": {
"partyId": "999US"
"shipFromParty": {
"partyId": "ABCD"
"labelFormat": "PNG",
"labelData": [
"packageIdentifier": "PKG002",
"trackingNumber": "1Z6A34Y60369738805",
"shipMethod": "UPS_GR_RES",
"shipMethodName": "UPS Ground Residential",
"content": "Base 64 encoded string goes here "
Get shipping label
The getShippingLabel
operation returns information about the shipping label that you specify using the purchase order number. The response includes complete shipping label information for the purchase order, including label type, purchase order details and ship method.
You can also use this API to get details for any shipping label (in the time range of seven days from a rolling window of the last six months, after the vendor went live on API).
The following diagram shows the integration workflow for retrieving a specific shipping label:
By when the shipping label should be requested?
ZPL and PNG labels should be requested only on the day when the orders are due for shipping.
Country specific business requirements
There are no country specific requirements for shipping label responses.
getShippingLabel Request
To request a shipping label, call the getShippingLabel
operation and pass the following parameter:
Path parameter:
Name | Description | Required |
The purchase order number for which you want to return the shipping label. It should be the same purchaseOrderNumber as received in the order.
Type: string |
Yes |
Request example:
getShippingLabel Response
A successful response includes the following:
Name | Description | Required |
This field will contain the Purchase Order Number for this order.
Type: string |
Yes |
ID of the selling party or vendor.
Yes |
Warehouse code of vendor.
Type: PartyIdentification |
Yes |
Format of the label.
enum ( LabelFormat ) |
Yes |
Provides the details of the packages in this shipment.
Type: <
Yes |
Response example:
"purchaseOrderNumber": "2JK3S9VC",
"sellingParty": {
"partyId": "999US"
"shipFromParty": {
"partyId": "ABCD"
"labelFormat": "PNG",
"labelData": [
"packageIdentifier": "PKG001",
"trackingNumber": "1Z6A34Y60369738804",
"shipMethod": "UPS_GR_RES",
"shipMethodName": "UPS Ground Residential",
"content": "Base 64 encoded string goes here"
The submitShipmentConfirmations
operation lets vendors submit shipment confirmations to Amazon. Your shipment confirmation allows us to efficiently track your shipments and inform our customers. It contains information about the items being shipped, including purchase order number, ship date, estimated delivery date, and tracking number.
Shipment confirmations allow us to collaborate more effectively with carriers in tracking your shipments.
The lack of valid shipment confirmations can result in:
Inadequate visibility about shipments
Errors in reconciling the physical shipments with purchase orders
Manual follow-ups to resolve discrepancies
Verification of successfully submitted Shipment Confirmations
Vendors can verify the status of their shipment confirmations via Vendor Central > Orders > Direct Fulfillment Orders or using the Direct Fulfillment Transaction Status API. Allow the system up to 10 min to determine the status after submission. If Vendor Central is not showing the correct values for the shipment confirmation, open a Contact Us case in Vendor Central. Refer to the Business Requirements section for information about creating shipment confirmations.
The following diagram shows the integration workflow for submitting shipment confirmations:
Business requirements
You should use this API to confirm shipment of an order within four hours after the order has shipped from your warehouse.
For floor denied shipments, set the shipmentStatus
field value to FLOOR_DENIAL
All the purchase order line items should be present in the shipment confirmation. Partial order fulfillment is not allowed. Vendors should reject the order as floor denial if any of the line items are not available to fulfill.
The itemSequenceNumber
for an item should be the same as was received in the order message.
Either buyerProductIdentifier
or vendorProductIdentifier
is mandatory to send in the shipment confirmation. You need to send the same value as received in the purchase order.
For vendor own carriers, sending scacCode
is mandatory.
If the shipment label is provided by Amazon, then the container section is optional since Amazon has access to the package information. Items section is mandatory to submit.
The container in a shipment confirmation must have a shipMethod
Country specific business requirements
submitShipmentConfirmations Request
To submit shipment confirmations, call the submitShipmentConfirmations
operation and pass the following parameter:
Body parameter:
Name | Description | Required |
shipmentConfirmations |
List of confirmed shipments
Type: <
Yes |
Request example:
"shipmentConfirmations": [
"purchaseOrderNumber": "PO00050003",
"shipmentDetails": {
"shippedDate": "2019-08-07T19:56:45.632Z",
"shipmentStatus": "SHIPPED",
"isPriorityShipment": true,
"estimatedDeliveryDate": "2019-08-07T19:56:45.632Z"
"sellingParty": {
"partyId": "VENDORCODE"
"shipFromParty": {
"items": [
"itemSequenceNumber": 1,
"buyerProductIdentifier": "ASIN001",
"vendorProductIdentifier": "9782700001659",
"shippedQuantity": {
"amount": 100,
"unitOfMeasure": "Each"
"itemSequenceNumber": 2,
"buyerProductIdentifier": "ASIN002",
"vendorProductIdentifier": "9782700001659",
"shippedQuantity": {
"amount": 100,
"unitOfMeasure": "Each"
"itemSequenceNumber": 3,
"buyerProductIdentifier": "ASIN003",
"vendorProductIdentifier": "9782700001659",
"shippedQuantity": {
"amount": 100,
"unitOfMeasure": "Each"
"itemSequenceNumber": 4,
"buyerProductIdentifier": "ASIN004",
"vendorProductIdentifier": "9782700001659",
"shippedQuantity": {
"amount": 100,
"unitOfMeasure": "Each"
"containers": [
"containerType": "carton",
"containerIdentifier": "123",
"trackingNumber": "TRACK001",
"scacCode": "SCAC001",
"carrier": "ABCD001",
"shipMethod": "UPS",
"dimensions": {
"length": "10",
"width": "10",
"height": "10",
"unitOfMeasure": "IN"
"weight": {
"unitOfMeasure": "KG",
"value": "10"
"packedItems": [
"itemSequenceNumber": 1,
"buyerProductIdentifier": "ASIN001",
"packedQuantity": {
"amount": 100,
"unitOfMeasure": "Each"
"containerType": "carton",
"containerIdentifier": "234",
"trackingNumber": "TRACK002",
"scacCode": "SCAC001",
"carrier": "ABCD001",
"shipMethod": "UPS",
"dimensions": {
"length": "10",
"width": "10",
"height": "10",
"unitOfMeasure": "IN"
"weight": {
"unitOfMeasure": "KG",
"value": "10"
"packedItems": [
"itemSequenceNumber": 2,
"buyerProductIdentifier": "ASIN002",
"packedQuantity": {
"amount": 100,
"unitOfMeasure": "Each"
"containerType": "carton",
"containerIdentifier": "ABCD",
"trackingNumber": "TRACK003",
"scacCode": "SCAC001",
"carrier": "ABCD001",
"shipMethod": "UPS",
"dimensions": {
"length": "10",
"width": "10",
"height": "10",
"unitOfMeasure": "IN"
"weight": {
"unitOfMeasure": "KG",
"value": "10"
"packedItems": [
"itemSequenceNumber": 3,
"buyerProductIdentifier": "ASIN003",
"packedQuantity": {
"amount": 100,
"unitOfMeasure": "Each"
"containerType": "carton",
"containerIdentifier": "id12",
"trackingNumber": "TRACK004",
"scacCode": "SCAC001",
"carrier": "ABCD001",
"shipMethod": "UPS",
"dimensions": {
"length": "10",
"width": "10",
"height": "10",
"unitOfMeasure": "IN"
"weight": {
"unitOfMeasure": "KG",
"value": "10"
"packedItems": [
"itemSequenceNumber": 4,
"buyerProductIdentifier": "ASIN004",
"packedQuantity": {
"amount": 100,
"unitOfMeasure": "Each"
submitShipmentConfirmations Response
A successful response includes the following:
Name | Description | Required |
transactionId |
GUID to identify this transaction. This value can be used with the Transaction Status API to return the status of this transaction.
Type: string |
Yes |
Response example:
"transactionId": "20190905010908-8a3b6901-ef20-412f-9270-21c021796605"
Shipment Status Updates are only to be used by VOC (Vendor Own Carrier) vendors. This means vendors that use their own carrier for shipment delivery and do not use Amazon carriers to transport the shipment to the customer. Vendors will ultimately cover the transportation costs and the responsibility to deliver the shipment to customer.
The submitShipmentStatusUpdates
operation allows vendors to update the transportation status event for shipments that are on route to the final customer. VOC vendors are required to update shipment status (commonly known as scans) during the transportation phase.
This information will then be forwarded to Amazon customers on the "your Orders" page and thus will improve visibility on the order tracking and delivery process.
Failure to update shipment status updates can result in bad operational KPIs such as low scan rate and eventually warehouse suspension.
Verification of successfully submitted Shipment Status Updates
Vendors can verify the status of their shipment status updates via Vendor Central > Orders > Direct Fulfillment Orders or by using the Direct Fulfillment Transaction Status API. Allow the system up to 10 min to determine the status after submission. If Vendor Central is not showing the correct values for the shipment confirmation, open a Contact Us case in Vendor Central. Refer to the Business Requirements section for information about creating shipment confirmations.
The following diagram shows the integration workflow for submitting shipment status updates:
Business Requirements
You should use this API only if you are a VOC (Vendor Own Carrier) vendor, meaning you use your own carrier to transport the shipment to the customer.
You should only use this API to update the status of a shipment after the shipment is confirmed via shipment confirmation API or Vendor Central shipment confirmation.
The trackingNumber
in the shipment status API should match 100% with the trackingNumber
provided in the shipment confirmation, otherwise shipment status update will fail.
One Shipment Status Update API call should correspond to one physical package. You can update the shipment status for several packages in one API call by batching them as an array of Shipment Status Updates.
A direct fulfillment order can result in several physical packages to be delivered to the customer. Thus, several shipment status updates are needed to reflect the full shipment status of the complete order.
Vendors should send shipment status whenever possible following the Amazon Shipment Status guidelines.
For scheduled delivery orders, vendors should send the shipmentSchedule
array that specifies estimated delivery time and delivery window.
Country Specific Business Requirements
Additional Fields Explanation
and reasonCode
These fields are standard codes used in EDI standards (for example, ISA X12 and EDIFACT) that are used to provide a specific status event and the reason for the status event. We expect a specific combination of statusCode
and reasonCode
that determine an event within the shipment transportation phase to the end customer.
These are the status and reason codes we support and their equivalency to current Vendor Central:
EDIFACT Status Code | EDIFACT Reason Code | Operational Description | Vendor Central UI Equivalency |
404 | 117 | Shipment is delayed because of a large scale accident | DELAYED |
301 | 000 | Shipment delivered to customer | DELIVERED |
101 | 000 | Shipment has departed the FC | DEPARTED\_FROM\_FC |
201 | 000 | Shipment arrived at a carrier facility | IN\_TRANSIT |
409 | 000 | Carrier lost the shipment | LOST |
302 | 000 | Shipment is out for delivery | OUT\_FOR\_DELIVERY |
407 | 000 | Recipient refused to accept the shipment | REJECTED |
416 | 000 | Shipment is undeliverable and will be destroyed | UNDELIVERABLE |
X12 Status Code | X12 Reason Code | Operational Description | Vendor Central UI Equivalency |
DE | AF | Shipment is delayed because of a large scale accident | DELAYED |
D1 | NS | Shipment delivered to customer | DELIVERED |
XB | NS | Shipment has departed the FC | DEPARTED\_FROM\_FC |
O1 | NS | Shipment arrived at a carrier facility | IN\_TRANSIT |
CA | PL | Carrier lost the shipment | LOST |
OD | NS | Shipment is out for delivery | OUT\_FOR\_DELIVERY |
A7 | AM | Recipient refused to accept the shipment | REJECTED |
AP | BG | Shipment is undeliverable and will be destroyed | UNDELIVERABLE |
submitShipmentStatusUpdates Request
To submit shipment status updates, call the submitShipmentStatusUpdates
operation and pass the following parameter:
Body parameter:
Name | Description | Required |
shipmentStatusUpdates |
List of confirmed shipments.
Type: <
Yes |
Request example:
"shipmentStatusUpdates": [
"purchaseOrderNumber": "DX00050015",
"sellingParty": {
"partyId": "999US"
"shipFromParty": {
"partyId": "ABCD"
"statusUpdateDetails": {
"trackingNumber": "TRACK005",
"statusCode": "D1",
"reasonCode": "NS",
"statusDateTime": "2020-08-07T19:56:45Z",
"statusLocationAddress": {
"city": "Any Town",
"postalCode": "98101",
"stateOrRegion": "Washington",
"countryCode": "US"
submitShipmentStatusUpdates Response
A successful response includes the following:
Name | Description | Required |
transactionId |
GUID to identify this transaction. This value can be used with the Transaction Status API to return the status of this transaction.
Type: string |
Yes |
Response example:
"transactionId": "20190905010908-8a3b6901-ef20-412f-9270-21c021796605"
The getPackingSlips
operation returns a list of packing slips for the orders which meet the criteria specified. If you need to get a packing slip for a specific order, use the getPackingSlip
operation instead.
Restricted Data Token for authorization
This is a restricted operation and therefore requires a Restricted Data Token (RDT) for authorization. For more information, refer to the Tokens API Use Case Guide.
You should use this API to get packing slips for the purchase orders available to you for fulfillment. Amazon recommends that vendors check for orders at least once per hour during business hours. Depending on your business volume, you can choose to check more frequently. You can get up to 100 packing slips in one API call. If there are more than 100 packing slips, you can use the nextToken value as a parameter in your next request to get the next set.
The following diagram shows the integration workflow when retrieving packing slips:
getPackingSlips Request
To retrieve packing slips, call the getPackingSlips
operation and pass the following parameters:
Query parameters:
Name | Description | Required |
shipFromPartyId |
The vendor warehouseId for order fulfillment. If not specified the result will contain orders for all warehouses.
Type: string |
No |
limit |
The limit to the number of records returned.
Minimum : 1 Maximum : 100 Type: integer |
No |
createdAfter |
Packing slips that became available after this date and time will be included in the result. Must be in ISO-8601 date/time format.
Type: string (date-time) |
Yes |
createdBefore |
Packing slips that became available before this date and time will be included in the result. Must be in ISO-8601 date/time format.
Type: string (date-time) |
Yes |
sortOrder |
Sort ASC or DESC by packing slip creation date.
Type: enum (
No |
nextToken |
Used for pagination when there are more packing slips than the specified result size limit. The token value is returned in the previous API call.
Type: string |
No |
Request example:
getPackingSlips Response
A successful response includes the following:
Name | Description | Required |
pagination |
If more than 100 orders are returned, nextToken is returned in the response for pagination.
Type: string |
No |
packingSlips |
Includes details for the packing slips.
Type: <
No |
Response example:
"payload": {
"pagination": {
"nextToken": "NEBxNEBxNEBxNR=="
"packingSlips": [
"purchaseOrderNumber": "UvgABdBjQ",
"content": "base64 encoded string",
"contentType": "application/pdf"
}, {
"purchaseOrderNumber": "VvgCDdBjR",
"content": "base64 encoded string",
"contentType": "application/pdf"
The getPackingSlip
operation returns information about the specific packing slip that you specify using the purchase order number. The response includes a base64 encoded string of the packing slip. The content type will always be "application/pdf".
The following diagram shows the integration workflow when retrieving a packing slip:
getPackingSlip Request
To return a packing slip, call the getPackingSlip
operation and pass the following parameter:
Path parameter:
Name | Description | Required |
purchaseOrderNumber |
The purchaseOrderNumber for the packing slip you want.
Type: string |
Yes |
Request example:
GET /vendor/directFulfillment/shipping/v1/packingSlips/UkP3YkKDr
getPackingSlip Response
A successful response includes the following:
Name | Description | Required |
purchaseOrderNumber |
Purchase order number of the shipment that the packing slip is for.
Type: string |
No |
packingSlip |
Packing slip information. Type:
No |
Response example:
"payload": {
"purchaseOrderNumber": "UvgABdBjQ",
"content": "base64 encoded string",
"contentType": "application/pdf"
The getCustomerInvoices
operation returns customer invoices for all purchase orders which meet the filter criteria you specify. The use of this API is mandatory only in the India region and not required in any other region. Amazon recommends that vendors check for customer invoices at least once per hour during business hours. Depending on your business volume, you can choose to check more frequently. You can get up to 100 customer invoices in one API call. If there are more than 100 customer invoices you can use the nextToken
value as a parameter in the next request to get the next set of customer invoices.
Restricted Data Token for authorization
This is a restricted operation and therefore requires a Restricted Data Token (RDT) for authorization. For more information, refer to the Tokens API Use Case Guide.
The following diagram shows the integration workflow when retrieving customer invoices:
getCustomerInvoices Request
To return customer invoices, call the getCustomerInvoices
operation and pass the following parameters:
Query parameters:
Name | Description | Required |
shipFromPartyId |
The vendor warehouseId for order fulfillment. If not specified, the result will contain orders for all warehouses.
Type: string |
No |
limit |
The limit to the number of records returned.
Minimum : 1 Maximum : 10 Type: integer |
No |
createdAfter |
Orders that became available after this date and time will be included in the result. Must be in ISO-8601 date/time format.
Type: string (date-time) |
Yes |
createdBefore |
Orders that became available before this date and time will be included in the result. Must be in ISO-8601 date/time format.
Type: string (date-time) |
Yes |
sortOrder |
Sort ASC or DESC by order creation date.
Type: enum (
No |
nextToken |
Used for pagination when there are more orders than the specified result size limit. The token value is returned in the previous API call.
Type: string |
No |
Request example:
getCustomerInvoices Response
A successful response includes the following:
Name | Description | Required |
pagination |
If more than 100 customer invoices are returned, nextToken is returned in the response for pagination.
Type: string |
No |
customerInvoices |
List of customer invoices.
Type: <
No |
Response example:
"pagination": {
"nextToken": "MDAwMDAwMDAwMQ=="
"customerInvoices": [
"purchaseOrderNumber": "PO98676856",
"content": "base 64 content goes here"
The getCustomerInvoice
operation returns information about the customer invoice that you specify using the purchase order number. The response includes complete customer invoice information for that purchase order.
You can also use this API to get details for any customer invoice (in the time range of seven days from a rolling window of the last six months, after the vendor went live on the API).
The following diagram shows the integration workflow for returning a customer invoice:
Country Specific Business Requirements
Only the India region needs to use the customer invoice API.
getCustomerInvoice Request
To return a customer invoice, call the getCustomerInvoice
operation and pass the following parameter:
Path parameter:
Name | Description | Required |
purchaseOrderNumber |
Purchase order number of the shipment for which to return the invoice.
Type: string |
Yes |
Request example:
getCustomerInvoice Response
A successful response includes the following:
Name | Description | Required |
purchaseOrderNumber |
The purchase order number for this order.
Type: string |
Yes |
content |
The Base64-encoded customer invoice.
Type: string |
Yes |
Response example:
"payload": {
"purchaseOrderNumber": "PO98676856",
"content": "base 64 encoded string"
Updated 18 days ago