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Notifications API v1 Use Case Guide

Subscribe to notifications that are relevant to a selling partner's business.

API Version: v1

What is the Notifications API?

You can use the Selling Partner API for Notifications to subscribe to notifications that are relevant to a selling partner's business. Using this API, you can create a destination to receive notifications, subscribe to notifications, delete notification subscriptions, and more. Instead of polling for information, your application can receive information directly from Amazon when an event generates a notification to which you are subscribed.

You can subscribe to notifications on behalf of sellers or vendors. To determine whether you can subscribe to a notification type on behalf of sellers only, vendors only, or both, go to notificationType. We allow multiple subscriptions with different payload versions per application, notification type and party (seller/vendor). For supported payload versions of different notification types, refer to notificationType.


Build a backup mechanism

As a best practice, we recommend that you have a means to retrieve needed information in the event of an unexpected outage or delay in notification delivery.


  • Amazon EventBridge: A serverless event bus that connects application data from your own applications, integrated Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) applications, and AWS services. For more information, refer to Amazon EventBridge.

  • Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS): A fully managed message queuing service for microservices, distributed systems, and serverless applications. For more information, refer to Amazon Simple Queue Service.

  • Partner event source: Used by an AWS partner to send events to an AWS customer account. To receive these events, the customer must associate an event bus with the partner event source. For more information, refer to What Is Amazon EventBridge?

  • Event bus: Receives events from a source and routes them to target resources according to rules associated with the event bus. For more information, refer to EventBus.

Notification workflows

There are two separate workflows for receiving notifications. The workflow you use depends on the notification type that you want to receive.

Amazon EventBridge workflow

The following diagram provides an overview of the Amazon EventBridge workflow steps to subscribe to listings notifications.

Workflow chart of interactions between the user and Selling Partner API to subscribe to listings notifications.

Use this workflow to receive the following notification types:

Refer to Tutorial: Set up notifications (Amazon EventBridge workflow).

Amazon Simple Queue Service workflow

Use this workflow to receive the following notification types:

  • ACCOUNT_STATUS_CHANGED: Sent when the account status changes for the developers subscribed selling partner/marketplace pairs. A notification is published when the selling partner's account status changes between NORMAL, AT_RISK, and DEACTIVATED.

  • ANY_OFFER_CHANGED: Sent when there is a change to any of the top 20 offers, by condition (new or used), or if the external price (the price from other retailers) changes for an item listed by the seller.

  • B2B_ANY_OFFER_CHANGED: Sent when there is a change in any of the top 20 B2B offers, in the form of any price change (either single unit or quantity discount tier prices) for an item listed by the seller.

  • DETAIL_PAGE_TRAFFIC_EVENT: Sent at the beginning of every hour. This notification shares traffic data at an ASIN level and includes data for the previous hour, as well as any delayed data from up to 24 hours earlier. Each notification can include multiple ASINs, and a selling partner can expect to receive multiple notifications every hour.

  • FBA_INVENTORY_AVAILABILITY_CHANGES: Sent when there is a change in the Fulfillment By Amazon (FBA) inventory quantities. This notification includes a snapshot of the FBA inventory in all eligible marketplaces in a particular region.

  • FBA_OUTBOUND_SHIPMENT_STATUS: Sent when we create or cancel a Fulfillment by Amazon shipment for a seller.

  • FEE_PROMOTION: Sent when a promotion becomes active.

  • FEED_PROCESSING_FINISHED: Sent when any feed submitted using the Selling Partner API for Feeds reaches a feed processing status of DONE, CANCELLED, or FATAL.

  • FULFILLMENT_ORDER_STATUS: Sent when there is a change in the status of a Multi-Channel Fulfillment order.

  • ITEM_INVENTORY_EVENT_CHANGE: Sent at the beginning of every hour. This notification shares inventory data at an ASIN level, and includes data for the previous hour, as well as any delayed data from up to 24 hours earlier. Each notification can include multiple ASINs, and a selling partner can expect to receive multiple notifications every hour.

  • ITEM_SALES_EVENT_CHANGE: Sent at the beginning of every hour. This notification shares sales data at an ASIN level and includes data for the previous hour, as well as any delayed data from up to 24 hours earlier. Each notification can include multiple ASINs, and a selling partner can expect to receive multiple notifications every hour.

  • ORDER_CHANGE: Sent when there is an important change in the order. Important changes include order status changes and buyer requested cancelations. Note that marketplaceIds is not a supported filter for ORDER_CHANGE. If you want to include marketplaceIds, you must use ANY_OFFER_CHANGED.

  • PRICING_HEALTH: Sent when a seller offer is ineligible to be the Featured Offer because of an uncompetitive price.

  • REPORT_PROCESSING_FINISHED: Sent when any report that you have requested using the Selling Partner API for Reports reaches a report processing status of DONE, CANCELLED, or FATAL.

Refer to Tutorial: Set up notifications (Amazon Simple Queue Service workflow).

Tutorial: Set up notifications (Amazon EventBridge workflow)

Use this tutorial to receive any of the following notifications types:

If you want to receive any other notification type, skip this tutorial and go to Tutorial: Set up notifications (Amazon Simple Queue Service workflow).


To complete this tutorial you need:

  • Authorization from the selling partners (sellers or vendors) for whom you are making calls. Refer to Authorizing Selling Partner API applications for more information.

  • An AWS account. This AWS account will be responsible for charges related to receiving notifications. If you are not already an AWS customer, you can create a free AWS account. For more information, refer to AWS Free Tier.

  • A target resource to receive notification events from your Amazon EventBridge bus. For more information, refer to What Is Amazon EventBridge?

  • A basic understanding of Amazon EventBridge. For more information, refer to Amazon EventBridge.

Step 1. Create a destination

Call the createDestination operation to create an Amazon EventBridge destination.



You can only create one EventBridge destination per AWS account.

  1. Call the createDestination operation, passing the following body parameters:
Parameter Description Required
resourceSpecification The information required to create a destination resource. In this workflow, include the eventBridge specification.

Type: resourceSpecification

name A developer-defined name to help identify this destination.

Type: string




Calling the createDestination operation does not require authorization from any selling partner. In this respect, this operation is a "grantless" operation and has a different authorization model from most other Selling Partner API operations. For more information, refer to Grantless operations.

Request example

POST https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/notifications/v1/destinations
      "accountId": "123456789",
      "region": "us-east-1"
  "name": "YourDestinationName"


A successful response includes the following:

Name Description
resource The resource that will receive notifications associated with this destination.

Type: DestinationResource

destinationId The destination identifier generated when you created the destination.

Type: string

name The name of this destination.

Type: string

Response example

  "payload": {
    "resource": {
      "sqs": null,
      "eventBridge": {
        "name": "sellingpartnerapi.amazon.com/amzn1.sellerapps.app.15a75829-cd4a-4efc-b947-0cc39d874577",
        "accountId": "123456789",
        "region": "us-east-1"
    "destinationId": "64a4a891-60dd-303f-89f9-43caf25cb3ec",
    "name": "YourDestinationName"
  1. Save the following values:

Step 2. Configure Amazon EventBridge to handle notifications

Associate an event bus with your partner event source. For definitions, refer to Terminology.

  1. Go to Amazon EventBridge and sign in to the AWS Console using the AWS Account ID that you specified when you called the createDestination operation in Step 1. Create a destination.

  2. In the console, ensure that the AWS Region that you specified when you called the createDestination operation is selected.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose Partner event sources.

  4. In the Partner event sources area, under Name, select the partner event source that matches the resource:eventBridge:name value returned in Step 1. Create a destination. The partner event source is in this format: aws.partner/sellingpartnerapi.amazon.com/{AWS Account Id}/{Application Id}.

  5. On the new page that appears, choose Associate with event bus.

  6. On the Associate with event bus page, leave the checkboxes empty and choose Associate.

You have created a partner event bus and associated it with your partner event source. Go to Step 3. Create a rule that starts on a notification event.

Step 3. Create a rule that starts on a notification event

Create a rule that watches for specific notification events and routes them to the target resource of your choice.

  1. Go to Amazon EventBridge. If you are not already signed in to the AWS Console, sign in using the AWS Account ID that you specified when you called the createDestination operation in Step 1. Create a destination.

  2. In the Console, ensure that the AWS Region that you specified when you called the createDestination operation is selected.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose Rules.

  4. Choose Create rule.

  5. Enter a name and optional description for the rule.

  6. For Event bus, select the bus that you associated with the partner event source.

  7. Choose Next.

  8. For Event source, select AWS events or EventBridge partner events.

  9. For Creation method, select Use pattern form.

  10. In Event pattern:

    • Choose Event source, select EventBridge partners.
    • For the Partner dropdown, select Amazon Selling Partner APIs.
    • For the Event type dropdown, select All Events.

    The event pattern that displays should be similar to the following, which indicates that you will receive all events emitted by sellingpartnerapi.amazon.com:

      "source": [
          "prefix": "aws.partner/sellingpartnerapi.amazon.com"
  11. (Optional) Edit the event pattern to include rules that match only the notification events that you want. The following event pattern contains a rule that matches only BRANDED_ITEM_CONTENT_CHANGE events from sellingpartnerapi.amazon.com:

      "source": [
          "prefix": "aws.partner/sellingpartnerapi.amazon.com"
      "detail-type": ["BRANDED_ITEM_CONTENT_CHANGE"]

    For information about creating more complex rules, refer to Event Patterns in the Amazon EventBridge Developer Guide.

  12. Choose Next.

  13. Now select the AWS service that is to act when an event of the selected type is detected. Enter other information specific to this target type, if required.



    For many target types, EventBridge needs permissions to send events to the target. In these cases, you can create a new IAM role or you can use an existing IAM role. Do one of the following:

    • To create an IAM role, select Create a new role for this specific resource.
    • To use an IAM role that you have already created, select Use existing role.



    To verify that events are coming through your EventBridge, you can use an SQS queue as a target for the rule you created, and then poll that SQS queue as notifications arrive.

  14. (Optional) Choose Add another target to add another target for this rule if you need more than one.

  15. Choose Next.

  16. (Optional) Enter one or more tags for the rule. For more information, refer to Tagging Your Amazon EventBridge Resources in the AWS documentation.

  17. Choose Next.

  18. Choose Create rule.


Step 4. Create a subscription

Subscribe to a notification type, to be delivered to the destination that you created in Step 1. Create a destination.

Note: We allow multiple subscriptions with different payload versions per application, notification type, and party (seller/vendor). For supported payload versions of different notification type, refer to notificationType.

  1. Call the createSubscription operation, passing the following parameters:

Path parameters:

Parameter Description Required
notificationType Information about the notification type and payload version to which you want to subscribe.


Type: string


Body parameters:

Parameter Description Required
payloadVersion The version of the payload object to be used in the notification. For supported payloadVersion for different notification types, refer to notificationType.

Type: string

destinationId The identifier for the destination where notifications will be delivered. Use the destinationId value that you saved in Step 1. Create a destination.

Type: string


Request example

POST https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/ notifications/v1/subscriptions/BRANDED_ITEM_CONTENT_CHANGE


Name Description
subscriptionId The subscription identifier generated when the subscription is created.

Type: string

payloadVersion The version of the payload object to be used in the notification. For supported payloadVersion for different notification types, refer to notificationType.

Type: string

destinationId The identifier for the destination where notifications will be delivered.

Type: string

Response example

    "subscriptionId":" 7fcacc7e-727b-11e9-8848-1681be663d3e",
    "payloadVersion":" 1.0",

You are now subscribed to receive BRANDED_ITEM_CONTENT_CHANGE notifications.

Tutorial: Set up notifications (Amazon Simple Queue Service workflow)

Use this tutorial to set up your system to receive any of the following notifications types:

  • ACCOUNT_STATUS_CHANGED. Sent when the Account Status changes for the developers subscribed selling partner/marketplace pairs. A notification is published when the selling partner's account status changes between NORMAL, AT_RISK, and DEACTIVATED.

  • ANY_OFFER_CHANGED. Sent when there is a listing change for any of the top 20 offers, by condition (new or used), or if the external price (the price from other retailers) changes for an item listed by the seller.

  • B2B_ANY_OFFER_CHANGED. Sent when there is a change in any of the top 20 B2B offers, in the form of any price change (either single unit or quantity discount tier prices) for an item listed by the seller.

  • DETAIL_PAGE_TRAFFIC_EVENT: Sent at the beginning of every hour. This notification shares traffic data at an ASIN level and includes data for the previous hour, as well as any delayed data from up to 24 hours earlier. Each notification can include multiple ASINs, and a selling partner can expect to receive multiple notifications every hour.

  • FBA_INVENTORY_AVAILABILITY_CHANGES. Sent when there is a change in the Fulfillment By Amazon (FBA) inventory quantities. This notification includes a snapshot of the FBA inventory in all eligible marketplaces in a particular region.

  • FBA_OUTBOUND_SHIPMENT_STATUS. Sent when we create or cancel a Fulfillment by Amazon shipment for a seller.

  • FEE_PROMOTION. Sent when a promotion becomes active.

  • FEED_PROCESSING_FINISHED. Sent when any feed submitted using the Selling Partner API for Feeds reaches a feed processing status of DONE, CANCELLED, or FATAL.

  • FULFILLMENT_ORDER_STATUS. Sent when there is a change in the status of a Multi-Channel Fulfillment order.

  • ITEM_INVENTORY_EVENT_CHANGE: Sent at the beginning of every hour. This notification shares inventory data at an ASIN level, and includes data for the previous hour, as well as any delayed data from up to 24 hours earlier. Each notification can include multiple ASINs, and a selling partner can expect to receive multiple notifications every hour.

  • ITEM_SALES_EVENT_CHANGE: Sent at the beginning of every hour. This notification shares sales data at an ASIN level and includes data for the previous hour, as well as any delayed data from up to 24 hours earlier. Each notification can include multiple ASINs, and a selling partner can expect to receive multiple notifications every hour.

  • ORDER_CHANGE: Sent when there is an important change in the order. Important changes include order status changes and buyer requested cancelations. Note that marketplaceIds is not a supported filter for ORDER_CHANGE. If you want to include marketplaceIds, you must use ANY_OFFER_CHANGED.

  • PRICING_HEALTH. Sent when a seller offer is ineligible to be the Featured Offer (Buy Box offer) because of an uncompetitive price.

  • REPORT_PROCESSING_FINISHED. Sent when any report that you have requested using the Selling Partner API for Reports reaches a report processing status of DONE, CANCELLED, or FATAL.



To receive any other notification type, refer to Tutorial: Set up notifications (Amazon EventBridge workflow).


To complete this tutorial you need:

Step 1. Grant Selling Partner API permission to write to your SQS queue

To receive notifications you must grant Selling Partner API permission to write to your SQS queue.

  1. Open the AWS Management Console and sign in with your AWS credentials.

  2. From the console, open Amazon Simple Queue Service.

  3. Select the standard queue where you want to receive notifications.

  4. Choose the Access Policy tab.

  5. From the Access policy (Permissions) section, select Edit. The Edit Test Queue page opens.

  6. Scroll down to Access policy, then select the Policy generator link. The AWS Policy Generator opens in a new tab.

  7. In Step 1 of the policy generator, select SQS Queue Policy.

  8. In Step 2 of the policy generator:

    • Set Effect to Allow.
    • Set Principal to 437568002678.
    • Set Actions to SendMessage and GetQueueAttributes.
    • Enter the SQS ARN value in Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
    • Choose Add Statement and verify the details.
  9. In Step 3 of the policy generator, select Generate Policy. A dialog box with the new policy opens.

  10. Copy the policy.

  11. Navigate back to the Amazon SQS queue, open the Access policy tab, then paste the policy into the Access Policy (Permissions) section.

  12. Save the changes.

  13. Reference the queue's Details section and note the ARN for this queue. You will pass this value using the arn parameter when you call the createDestination operation in Step 2. Create a destination.



If you are using server-side encryption (SSE), then you must provide Selling Partner API access to your key using the AWS Key Management Service (KMS). Consider using the following policy:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::437568002678:root"
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "*"

Refer to Key management for more information.

Step 2. Create a destination

Call the createDestination operation to create an Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) destination.

  1. Call the createDestination operation, passing the following body parameters:
Parameter Description Required
resourceSpecification The information required to create an SQS destination. This includes the sqs:arn value that you got from Step 1. Grant Selling Partner API permission to write to your SQS queue.

Type: object

name A name that you specify to help you identify this destination.

Type: string




Calling the createDestination operation does not require authorization from any selling partner. In this respect, this operation is a "grantless" operation and has a different authorization model from most other Selling Partner API operations. For more information, refer to Grantless operations.

Request example

POST https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/ notifications/v1/destinations
  "name": "YourDestinationName",
      "arn": "arn:aws:sqs:us-east-2:444455556666:queue1"


Name Description
name The developer-defined name for this destination.

Type: string

destinationId The destination identifier generated when you created the destination.

Type: string

resource The resource that will receive notifications associated with this destination.

Type: object

Response example

  "payload": {
    "name": "YourDestinationName",
    "destinationId": "ExampleDestinationId",
    "resource": {
      "sqs": {
        "arn": "arn:aws:sqs:us-east-2:444455556666:queue1"
  1. Save the destinationId value as input for Step 3. Create a subscription.

Step 3. Create a subscription

Create a subscription to a notification type, to be delivered to the destination that you created in the previous step.



We allow multiple subscriptions with different payload versions per application, notification type, and party (seller/vendor). For supported payload versions of different notification types, refer to notificationType.

Call the createSubscription operation, passing the following parameters:

Path parameters:

Parameter Description Required
notificationType Information about the notification type and payload version to which you want to subscribe.


Type: string


Body parameters:

Parameter Description Required
payloadVersion The version of the payload object to be used in the notification. For supported payloadVersion for different notification types, refer to notificationType.

Type: string

destinationId The identifier for the destination where notifications will be delivered. Use the value you saved in Step 2. Create a destination.

Type: string

processingDirective Additional information passed to the subscription to control how notifications are processed. For example, you can use an eventFilter to customize your subscription to send notifications for only the specified marketplaceId, or select the aggregation time period at which to send notifications (for example, limit to one notification every five minutes for high frequency notifications). The specific features available vary depending on the notificationType.

Note: This feature is currently only supported by the ANY_OFFER_CHANGED and ORDER_CHANGE notificationTypes.

Type: ProcessingDirective


Request example (without a processing directive):

POST https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/ notifications/v1/subscriptions/ANY_OFFER_CHANGED


Name Description
subscriptionId The subscription identifier generated when the subscription is created.

Type: string

payloadVersion The version of the payload object to be used in the notification. For supported payloadVersion for different notification types, refer to notificationType.

Type: string

destinationId The identifier for the destination where notifications will be delivered. Use the destinationId value that you saved in the previous step.

Type: string


  "payload": {
    "subscriptionId": "7fcacc7e-727b-11e9-8848-1681be663d3e",
    "payloadVersion": "1.0",
    "destinationId": "3acafc7e-121b-1329-8ae8-1571be663aa2",


Name Description
subscriptionId The subscription identifier generated when the subscription is created.

Type: string

payloadVersion The version of the payload object to be used in the notification. For supported payloadVersion for different notification types, refer to notificationType.

Type: string

destinationId The identifier for the destination where notifications will be delivered. Use the destinationId value that you saved in the previous step.

Type: string

Examples that use a processingDirective (Only supported by the ANY_OFFER_CHANGED and ORDER_CHANGE notificationTypes)

Request example to create a subscription that sends notifications for only the specified marketplaceId:

POST https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/ notifications/v1/subscriptions/ANY_OFFER_CHANGED
  "destinationId": "12d803a2-7e70-4bb2-a797-2b4b43e10051",
  "payloadVersion": "1.0",
  "processingDirective": {
    "eventFilter": {
      "eventFilterType": "ANY_OFFER_CHANGED",
      "marketplaceIds": ["ATVPDKIKX0DER"]

Response example

  "payload": {
    "subscriptionId": "7318ddfb-18e4-4fe0-89f5-a437321d2e79",
    "destinationId": "12d803a2-7e70-4bb2-a797-2b4b43e10051",
    "payloadVersion": "1.0",
    "processingDirective": {
      "eventFilter": {
        "marketplaceIds": [
        "eventFilterType": "ANY_OFFER_CHANGED"

Request example to create a subscription that limits the frequency of notifications to one every five minutes:

POST https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/ notifications/v1/subscriptions/ANY_OFFER_CHANGED
  "destinationId": "12d803a2-7e70-4bb2-a797-2b4b43e10051",
  "payloadVersion": "1.0",
  "processingDirective": {
    "eventFilter": {
      "eventFilterType": "ANY_OFFER_CHANGED",
      "aggregationSettings": {
        "aggregationTimePeriod": "FiveMinutes"

Response example

  "payload": {
    "subscriptionId": "b8877fdf-17a6-4d59-bb1d-9650d9d823e0",
    "destinationId": "12d803a2-7e70-4bb2-a797-2b4b43e10051",
    "payloadVersion": "1.0",
    "processingDirective": {
      "eventFilter": {
        "aggregationSettings": {
          "aggregationTimePeriod": "FiveMinutes"
        "eventFilterType": "ANY_OFFER_CHANGED"

Processing notifications from your queue

There are several important properties of Amazon SQS queues that you must understand in order to process notifications properly:

  • Selling Partner API does not support delivery to FIFO queues. You must use Amazon SQS standard queues to receive notifications.

  • Selling Partner API standard queues do not guarantee that notifications will be received in the order they were sent. Standard queues provide best-effort ordering, which means that notifications are generally delivered in the same order as they're sent. However, occasionally, more than one copy of a notification might be delivered out of order. Therefore, you must design your application to accept notifications in any order.

  • Amazon SQS standard queue notifications might be delivered more than once. Amazon SQS stores copies of your notifications on multiple servers for redundancy and high availability. On rare occasions, one of the servers that stores a copy of a notification might be unavailable when you receive or delete a notification. If this scenario occurs, the copy of the notification isn't deleted on that unavailable server, and you might get that notification copy again when you receive notifications. Therefore, you must design your application to accept multiple copies of any given notification.

  • You can determine if a notification is a duplicate of a notification you have already received by looking at the notificationId property of the notification. You can find the notificationId property in the NotificationMetaData object of the notification.

For more information about processing notifications from Amazon SQS queues, refer to the Amazon Simple Queue Service Developer Guide and the Amazon Simple Queue Service API Reference in the AWS Documentation portal.

Processing Directives

A processing directive is an optional parameter that you can provide when you call the createSubscription operation. It can be used to change the behavior of a subscription for certain notificationTypes. It is currently only supported for use with the ANY_OFFER_CHANGED and ORDER_CHANGE notification types. Usage with an unsupported notification type results in a request failure with an HTTP 400 response.

Use a processingDirective to pass additional information to the subscription to control the processing of notifications. For example, you can use an eventFilter to customize your subscription to send notifications for only the specified marketplaceId, or to select the aggregation time period at which to send notifications (for example, limit to one notification every five minutes for high frequency notifications).

The following eventFilter values are supported:

Name Description
eventFilterType An eventFilterType value that is supported by the specific notificationType. This is used by the subscription service to determine the type of event filter.


aggregationSettings A container to support aggregated filtering of notifications. Supports using an aggregationTimePeriod to limit (filter) the sending of notifications to a five or ten minute frequency.

"aggregationSettings": {"aggregationTimePeriod": "FiveMinutes"}

marketplaceIds A list of marketplace identifiers to subscribe to. To receive notifications for every marketplace, do not provide this list. marketplaceIds is not a supported filter for the ORDER_CHANGE notification. If you want to include marketplaceIds, you must use ANY_OFFER_CHANGED.

"marketplaceIds": [ "ATVPDKIKX0DER", "A2EUQ1WTGCTBG2" ]

orderChangeTypes A list of order change types to subscribe to. To receive notifications for every order change type, do not provide this list. Possible values are BuyerRequestedChange and OrderStatusChange.

"orderChangeTypes": [ "BuyerRequestedChange" ]


For more information, refer to ProcessingDirective in the API reference.

Request example that implements a processingDirective with eventFilter values for the ANY_OFFER_CHANGED notification:

POST https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/notifications/v1/subscriptions/ANY_OFFER_CHANGED
  "payloadVersion": "1.0",
  "destinationId": "3acafc7e-121b-1329-8ae8-1571be663aa2",
  "processingDirective": {
    "eventFilter": {
      "marketplaceIds": [
      "aggregationSettings": {
        "aggregationTimePeriod": "FiveMinutes"
      "eventFilterType": "ANY_OFFER_CHANGED"


   "payload": {
     "subscriptionId": "7fcacc7e-727b-11e9-8848-1681be663d3e",
     "payloadVersion": "1.0",
     "destinationId": "3acafc7e-121b-1329-8ae8-1571be663aa2",
     "processingDirective": {
       "eventFilter": {
         "marketplaceIds": [
         "aggregationSettings": {
           "aggregationTimePeriod": "FiveMinutes"
         "eventFilterType": "ANY_OFFER_CHANGED"

Request example that implements a processingDirective with eventFilter values for the ORDER_CHANGE notification:

POST https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/notifications/v1/subscriptions/ORDER_CHANGE
  "payloadVersion": "1.0",
  "destinationId": "3acafc7e-121b-1329-8ae8-1571be663aa2",
  "processingDirective": {
    "eventFilter": {
      "orderChangeTypes": ["BuyerRequestedChange"],
      "eventFilterType": "ORDER_CHANGE"


   "payload": {
     "subscriptionId": "7fcacc7e-727b-11e9-8848-1681be663d3e",
     "payloadVersion": "1.0",
     "destinationId": "3acafc7e-121b-1329-8ae8-1571be663aa2",
     "processingDirective": {
     "eventFilter": {
       "orderChangeTypes": ["BuyerRequestedChange"],
       "eventFilterType": "ORDER_CHANGE"

Notification structure

Selling Partner notifications are in JSON format. Each notification contains a Payload object, which contains the actionable data of the notification. Notification Type, in combination with PayloadVersion, determines the structure of the Payload object.

A Selling Partner notification with NotificationVersion=1.0 contain the following properties:

Object Description Type
NotificationVersion The notification version. This controls the structure of the notification. string
NotificationType The notification type. NotificationType, combined with PayloadVersion, controls the structure of the Payload object. string
PayloadVersion The payload version. PayloadVersion, combined with NotificationType, controls the structure of the Payload object. For supported payloadVersion for different notification types, refer to notificationType. string
EventTime The date and time (in UTC) that the event which triggered the notification occurred. string
Payload The actionable data of the notification. The structure of the Payload is determined by NotificationType, in combination with PayloadVersion.

JSON object

For more information, refer to Notifications.

NotificationMetadata The notification metadata. This includes the following objects:
  • ApplicationId – The identifier for the application that uses the notifications. Type = string

  • SubscriptionId - A unique identifier for the subscription which resulted in this notification. Type = string

  • PublishTime - The date and time (in UTC) that the notification was sent. Type = string

  • NotificationId - A unique identifier for this notification instance. Type = string

JSON object

Notification example:

  "NotificationVersion": "1.0",
  "NotificationType": "BRANDED_ITEM_CONTENT_CHANGE",
  "PayloadVersion": "1.0",
  "EventTime": "2019-03-20T18:59:30.194Z",
    "MarketplaceId": "ATVPDKIKX0DER",
    "BrandName": "Great Brand",
    "Asin": "B1234567",
    "AttributesChanged": [
    "ApplicationId": "amzn1.sellerapps.app.f1234566-aaec-55a6-b123-bcb752069ec5",
    "SubscriptionId": "93b098e1-c42-2f45-93a1-78910a6a8369",
    "PublishTime": "2019-03-20T18:59:48.768Z",
    "NotificationId": "8e009934-da2c-4f9c-9bc7-93f23b7e1f60"

Common types

Contains common types that are used by all notifications that are contained in the Notification payload objects.


Indicates whether the item is fulfilled by Amazon or by the seller.

Type: string

FulfillmentChannelType values:

  • Amazon

  • Merchant


Currency type and amount.

The following table shows the properties of the MoneyType object:

Name Description

The currency amount.

Type: number


Three-digit currency code. In ISO 4217 format.

Type: string


Currency type and amount.

The following table shows the properties of the MoneyType object:

Name Description

The currency amount.

Type: number


Three-digit currency code. In ISO 4217 format.

Type: string