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Analytics Reports

Analytics Reports for the Selling Partner Reports API.

Brand Analytics reports

Market Basket Analysis Report


Schema: sellingPartnerMarketBasketAnalysisReport

Role: Brand Analytics

Availability: Sellers and vendors who have the Brand Analytics Selling Partner API role and are registered in Amazon Brand Registry.

Marketplace availability: NA (all marketplaces), EU (Spain, United Kingdom, France, Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, India), FE (all marketplaces).

Requested/scheduled: This report can only be requested.

Report output type: JSON

Contains data on the items that are most commonly purchased in combination with the items in the customer's basket (cart) at checkout. The data is available across different reporting periods: DAY, WEEK, MONTH, and QUARTER. Requests can span multiple reporting periods. In this report, an asin property is an ASIN in the selling partner's catalog and a purchasedWithAsin property might or might not be an ASIN in the selling partner's catalog.

This report accepts the following reportOptions value:

  • reportPeriod - Specifies the reporting period for the report. Values include DAY, WEEK, MONTH, and QUARTER. Example: "reportOptions":{"reportPeriod": "WEEK"}

Requests must include the reportPeriod in the reportsOptions. Use the dataStartTimeand dataEndTime parameters to specify the date boundaries for the report. The dataStartTime and dataEndTime values must correspond to valid first and last days in the specified reportPeriod. For example, dataStartTime** must be a Sunday and dataEndTime must be a Saturday when reportPeriod=WEEK.

Select to expand list of report attributes.
  • dataByAsin
    • startDate
    • endDate
    • asin
    • purchasedWithAsin
    • purchasedWithRank
    • combinationPct

Amazon Search Terms Report


Schema: sellingPartnerSearchTermsReport

Role: Brand Analytics

Availability: Sellers and vendors who have the Brand Analytics Selling Partner API role and are registered in Amazon Brand Registry.

Marketplace availability: NA (all marketplaces), EU (Spain, United Kingdom, France, Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, India), FE (all marketplaces).

Requested/scheduled: This report can only be requested.

Report output type: JSON

Contains data on the top clicked ASINs by search keyword and department for a marketplace. The data is available across different reporting periods: DAY, WEEK, MONTH, and QUARTER. Requests cannot span multiple reporting periods. For example, a request with "reportPeriod": "WEEK" could not start on 2021-06-06 and end on 2021-06-19, as this would span more than one week.

This report is limited in size to approximately 12 million items, which are lists of top ASINs categorized by search term and department. This limit may cause this report to differ from other reporting, such as Amazon Retail Analytics.

This report accepts the following reportOptions value:

  • reportPeriod - Specifies the reporting period for the report. Values include DAY, WEEK, MONTH, and QUARTER. Example: "reportOptions":{"reportPeriod": "WEEK"}

Requests must include the reportPeriod in the reportsOptions. Use the dataStartTimeand dataEndTime parameters to specify the date boundaries for the report. The dataStartTime and dataEndTime values must correspond to valid first and last days in the specified reportPeriod. For example, dataStartTime must be a Sunday and dataEndTime must be a Saturday when "reportOptions":{"reportPeriod": "WEEK"}.

Select to expand list of report attributes.
  • searchTerm
  • searchFrequencyRank
  • clickedAsin
  • clickShareRank
  • clickShare
  • conversionShare

Repeat Purchase


Schema: sellingPartnerRepeatPurchaseReport

Role: Brand Analytics

Availability: Sellers and vendors who have the Brand Analytics Selling Partner API role and are registered in Amazon Brand Registry.

Marketplace availability: NA (all marketplaces), EU (Spain, United Kingdom, France, Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, India), FE (all marketplaces).

Requested/scheduled: This report can only be requested.

Report output type: JSON

Contains data on the quantity of repeated purchases of the selling partner's items. The data is available across different reporting periods: WEEK, MONTH, and QUARTER. Requests can span multiple reporting periods. In this report, an ASIN property is an ASIN in the selling partner's catalog.

This report accepts the following reportOptions value:

  • reportPeriod - Specifies the reporting period for the report. Values include WEEK, MONTH, and QUARTER. Example: "reportOptions":{"reportPeriod": "WEEK"}

Requests must include the reportPeriod in the reportsOptions. Use the dataStartTimeand dataEndTime parameters to specify the date boundaries for the report. The dataStartTime and dataEndTime values must correspond to valid first and last days in the specified reportPeriod. For example, dataStartTime** must be a Sunday and dataEndTime must be a Saturday when reportPeriod=WEEK.

Select to expand list of report attributes.
  • startDate
  • endDate
  • asin
  • orders
  • uniqueCustomers
  • repeatCustomersPctTotal
  • repeatPurchaseRevenue
  • repeatPurchaseRevenuePctTotal

Vendor retail analytics reports

Rapid Retail Analytics Inventory Report


Schema: vendorRealTimeInventoryReport

Role: Brand Analytics

Availability: Vendors

Requested/scheduled: This report can only be requested.

Report output type: JSON

Contains inventory data at an ASIN level, aggregated to an hourly granularity. Requests can span multiple date range periods, including the current day.

ASINs are included if the number of units available for purchase by customers has changed. In addition to orders and cancellations, other activities which could impact the number of units available for purchase include add-to-cart actions, processed Subscribe-and-Save orders, and new quantities being made available.

The lowest granularity of rapid retail analytics is hourly. Reports can be requested minutes after the close of an hour, with specific thresholds based on the dataset. For inventory, information can be requested five minutes after the close of each hour. For example, you can request 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM at 9:05 AM.

Rapid retail analytics represents cancellations based on the time of the cancellation.

The lookback window for this report is 30 days and the maximum date span is 7 days. For example, if you wanted to query February 2024, you would request four report date ranges:

  • Feb 1 - Feb 7
  • Feb 8 - Feb 14
  • Feb 15 - Feb 21
  • Feb 22 - Feb 28

Available to sellers and vendors as the ITEM_INVENTORY_EVENT_CHANGE notification.

Select to expand list of report attributes.
  • reportSpecification
  • reportData
  • reportType
  • dataStartTime
  • dataEndTime
  • marketplaceIds
  • startTime
  • endTime
  • asin
  • highlyAvailableInventory

Rapid Retail Analytics Traffic Report


Schema: vendorRealTimeTrafficReport

Role: Brand Analytics

Availability: Vendors

Requested/scheduled: This report can only be requested.

Report output type: JSON

Contains data on the customer traffic to the detail pages of the vendor's items with an hourly granularity. Requests can span multiple date range periods. For example, if the customer specified that dataStartTime and dataEndTime span three hours, the report would contain data for each complete hour within the time span.

The report payload includes ASINs whose product detail page received glance views during that period where a given merchant is the featured offer, including when multiple offers for the same merchant are shown (for example, Subscribe and Save, used products, buy on Fresh).

The lowest granularity of rapid retail analytics is hourly. Traffic data is available approximately 65 to 115 minutes after the close of an hour. For example, you can request 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM traffic data at 10:05 AM.

The lookback window for this report is 30 days and the maximum date span is 14 days. For example, if you wanted to query February 2024 you would request two report date ranges:

  • Feb 1 - Feb 14
  • Feb 15 - Feb 28

Available to sellers and vendors as the DETAIL_PAGE_TRAFFIC_EVENT notification.

Select to expand list of report attributes.
  • reportSpecification
  • reportData
  • reportType
  • dataStartTime
  • dataEndTime
  • marketplaceIds
  • startTime
  • endTime
  • asin
  • glanceViews

Rapid Retail Analytics Sales Report


Schema: vendorRealTimeSalesReport

Role: Brand Analytics

Availability: Vendors

Requested/scheduled: This report can only be requested.

Report output type: JSON

Contains sales data at an ASIN level, aggregated to an hourly granularity. Requests can span multiple date range periods. For example, if the customer specified that dataStartTime and dataEndTime span three hours, the report would contain data for each complete hour within the time span.

ASINs are included when they have orders or cancellations during a given hour.

The lowest granularity of rapid retail analytics is hourly. Reports can be requested five minutes after the close of each hour. For example, you can request 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM at 9:05 AM.

Rapid retail analytics represents cancellations based on the time of the cancellation. To represent cancellations, ordered units may be negative for a given hour and ASIN combination.

The lookback window for this report is 30 days and the maximum date span is 14 days. For example, if you wanted to query February 2024 you would request two report date ranges:

  • Feb 1 - Feb 14
  • Feb 15 - Feb 28

Available to sellers and vendors as the ITEM_SALES_EVENT_CHANGE notification.

Select to expand list of report attributes.
  • reportSpecification
  • reportData
  • reportType
  • dataStartTime
  • dataEndTime
  • marketplaceIds
  • reportOptions
  • startTime
  • endTime
  • asin
  • orderedUnits
  • orderedRevenue

Vendor Sales Report


Schema: vendorSalesReport

Role: Brand Analytics

Availability: Vendors

Requested/scheduled: This report can only be requested.

Report output type: JSON

Contains key retail sales metrics such as ordered/shipped revenue and units. Data is reported at the aggregate level across a vendor's catalog of items and at the ASIN level across DAY, WEEK, MONTH, QUARTER, and YEAR reporting periods.

This report accepts the following reportOptions value:

  • reportPeriod - Specifies the reporting period for the report. Values include DAY, WEEK, MONTH, QUARTER, and YEAR. Example: "reportOptions":{"reportPeriod": "WEEK"}
  • distributorView - Specifies the distributor view requested. Values include MANUFACTURING and SOURCING. Example: "reportOptions":{"distributorView": "SOURCING"}
  • sellingProgram - Specifies the selling program for the report. Values include RETAIL, BUSINESS, and FRESH. Example: "reportOptions":{"sellingProgram": "RETAIL"}

Requests must include the reportPeriod, distributorView, and sellingProgram properties. Use the dataStartTime and dataEndTime parameters to specify the date boundaries for the report. The dataStartTime and dataEndTime values must correspond to valid first and last days in the specified reportPeriod. For example, dataStartTime must be a Sunday and dataEndTime must be a Saturday when reportPeriod=WEEK.

Maximum lookback windows

The maximum lookback windows (from the current date) that are available for each reportPeriod type. Specify a dataStartTime parameter that falls within the maximum lookback window for the reporting period that you want:

  • DAY: 1,460 days
  • WEEK: 7 weeks
  • MONTH: 36 months
  • QUARTER: 8 quarters
  • YEAR: 3 years

Maximum reporting periods

The maximum reporting periods that you can specify using the dataStartTime and dataEndTime parameters, by reportPeriod type:

  • DAY: 15 days
  • WEEK: 7 weeks
  • MONTH: 15 months
  • QUARTER: 4 quarters
  • YEAR: 2 years

Data availability

The Service Level Agreement (SLA) for weekly reporting periods (for example, Saturday datasets) is the end of the day Monday, 48 hours after the close of the period. The SLA for non-Saturday daily reporting periods is 72 hours after the close of the period. If you request a report for a reporting period that is not yet available, the report will not be generated and processingStatus for the report will be FATAL. You can get the processing status of the report by polling the getReport operation of the Reports API. For more information, refer to the Reports API Use Case Guide.

Select to expand list of report attributes.
  • salesAggregate
  • salesByAsin
  • startDate
  • endDate
  • shippedCogs
  • shippedRevenue
  • shippedUnits

Net Pure Product Margin Report


Schema: vendorNetPureProductMarginReport

Role: Brand Analytics

Availability: Vendors

Requested/scheduled: This report can only be requested.

Report output type: JSON

Contains data on Amazon's net pure product margins for selling a vendor's items. Data is reported at the aggregate level across a vendor's catalog of items and at the ASIN level across DAY, WEEK, MONTH, QUARTER, and YEAR reporting periods.

This report accepts the following reportOptions value:

  • reportPeriod - Specifies the reporting period for the report. Values include DAY, WEEK, MONTH, QUARTER, and YEAR. Example: "reportOptions":{"reportPeriod": "WEEK"}

Requests must include the reportPeriod property. Use the dataStartTime and dataEndTime parameters to specify the date boundaries for the report. The dataStartTime and dataEndTime values must correspond to valid first and last days in the specified reportPeriod. For example, dataStartTime must be a Sunday and dataEndTime must be a Saturday when reportPeriod=WEEK.

Maximum lookback windows

The maximum lookback windows (from the current date) that are available for each reportPeriod type. Specify a dataStartTime parameter that falls within the maximum lookback window for the reporting period that you want:

  • DAY: 1,460 days
  • WEEK: 7 weeks
  • MONTH: 36 months
  • QUARTER: 8 quarters
  • YEAR: 3 years

Maximum reporting periods

The maximum reporting periods that you can specify using the dataStartTime and dataEndTime parameters, by reportPeriod type:

  • DAY: 15 days
  • WEEK: 7 weeks
  • MONTH: 15 months
  • QUARTER: 4 quarters
  • YEAR: 2 years

Data availability

The SLA for the weekly reporting periods (for example, Saturday datasets) is the end of the day Monday, 48 hours after the close of the period. The SLA for non-Saturday daily reporting periods is 72 hours after the close of the period. If you request a report for a reporting period that is not yet available, the report will not be generated and processingStatus for the report will be FATAL. You can get the processing status of the report by polling the getReport operation of the Reports API. For more information, see the Reports API Use Case Guide.

Select to expand list of report attributes.
  • netPureProductMarginAggregate
  • netPureProductMarginByAsin
  • marketplaceIds
  • startDate
  • endDate
  • asin
  • netPureProductMargin

Vendor Traffic Report


Schema: vendorTrafficReport

Role: Brand Analytics

Availability: Vendors

Requested/scheduled: This report can only be requested.

Report output type: JSON

Contains key retail traffic metrics such as detail page views (for example, glance views). Data is reported at the aggregate level across a vendor's catalog of items and at the ASIN level across DAY, WEEK, MONTH, QUARTER, and YEAR reporting periods.

This report accepts the following reportOptions value:

  • reportPeriod - Specifies the reporting period for the report. Values include DAY, WEEK, MONTH, QUARTER, and YEAR. Example: "reportOptions":{"reportPeriod": "WEEK"}

Requests must include the reportPeriod property. Use the dataStartTime and dataEndTime parameters to specify the date boundaries for the report. The dataStartTime and dataEndTime values must correspond to valid first and last days in the specified reportPeriod. For example, dataStartTime must be a Sunday and dataEndTime must be a Saturday when reportPeriod=WEEK.

Maximum lookback windows

The maximum lookback windows (from the current date) that are available for each reportPeriod type. Specify a dataStartTime parameter that falls within the maximum lookback window for the reporting period that you want:

  • DAY: 1,460 days
  • WEEK: 7 weeks
  • MONTH: 36 months
  • QUARTER: 8 quarters
  • YEAR: 3 years

Maximum reporting periods

The maximum reporting periods that you can specify using the dataStartTime and dataEndTime parameters, by reportPeriod type:

  • DAY: 15 days
  • WEEK: 7 weeks
  • MONTH: 15 months
  • QUARTER: 4 quarters
  • YEAR: 2 years

Data availability

The SLA for the weekly reporting periods (for example, Saturday datasets) is the end of the day Monday, 48 hours after the close of the period. The SLA for non-Saturday daily reporting periods is 72 hours after the close of the period. If you request a report for a reporting period that is not yet available, the report will not be generated and processingStatus for the report will be FATAL. You can get the processing status of the report by polling the getReport operation of the Reports API. For more information, see the Reports API Use Case Guide.

Select to expand list of report attributes.
  • trafficAggregate
  • trafficByAsin
  • startDate
  • endDate
  • asin
  • glanceViews

Vendor Forecasting Report


Schema: vendorForecastingReport

Role: Brand Analytics

Availability: Vendors

Requested/scheduled: This report can only be requested.

Report output type: JSON

Contains forward looking mean, Prior 70, Prior 80, and Prior 90 weekly customer demand forecasts. Data is reported at the ASIN level for the most recent weekly forecast generation date.



Only the most recent forecast data is available. Historical forecast data cannot be requested.



The forecasting system produces forecasts for an ASIN at various P-levels, also known as confidence levels. If you are setting a forecasting P-level of .80 (P80), it means that there is an 80% probability customer demand will not exceed the weekly forecasted units.

This report accepts the following reportOptions value:

  • sellingProgram - Specifies the selling program for the report. Values include RETAIL and FRESH. Example: "reportOptions":{"sellingProgram": "RETAIL"}

Data availability

Refreshed forecasting data is available 72 hours after the week end (for example, end of the day Tuesday).

Select to expand list of report attributes.
  • forecastByAsin
  • forecastGenerationDate
  • asin
  • startDate
  • endDate
  • meanForecastUnits
  • p70ForecastUnits
  • p80ForecastUnits
  • p90ForecastUnits

Vendor Inventory Report


Schema: vendorInventoryReport

Role: Brand Analytics

Availability: Vendors

Requested/scheduled: This report can only be requested.

Report output type: JSON

Contains inventory and operational health metrics such as sellable on hand units and vendor confirmation rate.

Data is reported at the aggregate level across a vendor's catalog of items and at the ASIN level across DAY, WEEK, MONTH, QUARTER, and YEAR reporting periods.

This report accepts the following reportOptions values:

  • reportPeriod - Specifies the reporting period for the report. Values include DAY, WEEK, MONTH, QUARTER, and YEAR. Example: "reportOptions":{"reportPeriod": "WEEK"}
  • distributorView - Specifies the distributor view requested. Values include MANUFACTURING and SOURCING. Example: "reportOptions":{"distributorView": "SOURCING"}
  • sellingProgram - Specifies the selling program for the report. Values include RETAIL and FRESH. Example: "reportOptions":{"sellingProgram": "RETAIL"}

Requests must include reportPeriod, distributorView, and sellingProgram in reportsOptions. Use the dataStartTime and dataEndTime parameters to specify the date boundaries for the report. The dataStartTime and dataEndTime values must correspond to valid first and last days in the specified reportPeriod. For example, dataStartTime must be a Sunday and dataEndTime must be a Saturday when reportPeriod=WEEK.

Maximum lookback windows

The maximum lookback windows (from the current date) that are available for each reportPeriod type. Specify a dataStartTime parameter that falls within the maximum lookback window for the reporting period that you want:

  • DAY: 1,460
  • WEEK: 7 weeks
  • MONTH: 36 months
  • QUARTER: 8 quarters
  • YEAR: 3 years

Maximum reporting periods

The maximum reporting periods that you can specify using the dataStartTime and dataEndTime parameters, by reportPeriod type:

  • DAY: 15
  • WEEK: 7 weeks
  • MONTH: 15 months
  • QUARTER: 4 quarters
  • YEAR: 2 years

Data availability

Refreshed data is available 72 hours after the close of the period. For example, weekly data (Sunday through Saturday dataset) is available by the end of the day Tuesday.

Select to expand list of report attributes.
  • reportSpecification
  • inventoryAggregate
  • inventoryByAsin
  • startDate
  • endDate
  • netReceivedInventoryCost
  • netReceivedInventoryUnits
  • openPurchaseOrderUnits
  • sellableOnHandInventoryCost
  • sellableOnHandInventoryUnits

Seller retail analytics reports

Sales and Traffic Business Report


Schema: sellerSalesAndTrafficReport

Role: Brand Analytics

Availability: Sellers

Requested/scheduled: This report can be requested or scheduled.

Report output type: JSON

Contains key sales performance metrics such as ordered product sales, revenue, units ordered, and claim amount, as well as page traffic metrics such as page views and buy box percentage of the seller’s entire catalog of items aggregated by date and ASIN.



The dataStartTime value provided when requesting this report must not be more than two years before the date of the request. If you fail this condition, the request will be cancelled.

This report accepts the following reportOptions values:

  • dateGranularity - Data is available at different date range aggregation levels: DAY, WEEK, MONTH. Default: DAY.
  • asinGranularity - Data is available at different ASIN aggregation levels: PARENT, CHILD, SKU. Default: PARENT.

Example: "reportOptions":{"dateGranularity":"MONTH", "asinGranularity":"CHILD"}

When dateGranularity is WEEK or MONTH the dataStartTime and dataEndTime values are expanded to that level of granularity. For WEEK the beginning is Sunday and the end is Saturday, and for MONTH the beginning is the first day of the month and the end is the last day of the month.

For example, if the dateGranularity value is WEEK and the provided dataStartTime value is on a Tuesday, that dataStartTime value will automatically be changed to the Sunday before that Tuesday. Likewise, if a dataStartTime value of 3/16/2021 and a dataEndTime of 4/16/2021 are provided with a dateGranularity of MONTH, the dataStartTime will become 3/1/2021 and the dataEndTime will become 4/30/2021.

If the expanded dataStartTime value is more than two years before the date of the request, then it will be corrected to be within two years of the request date provided the original dataStartTime is with two years of the request date. If the expanded dataEndTime value is in the future, then the report will contain partial data for the most recent report period.

Select to expand list of report attributes.
  • reportSpecification
  • salesAndTrafficByDate
  • salesAndTrafficByAsin
  • date
  • salesByDate
  • trafficByDate
  • orderedProductSales
  • orderedProductSalesB2B
  • unitsOrdered
  • unitsOrderedB2B
  • totalOrderItems
  • totalOrderItemsB2B
  • averageSalesPerOrderItem
  • averageSalesPerOrderItemB2B
  • averageUnitsPerOrderItem
  • averageUnitsPerOrderItemB2B
  • averageSellingPrice
  • averageSellingPriceB2B
  • unitsRefunded
  • refundRate
  • claimsGranted
  • claimsAmount
  • shippedProductSales
  • unitsShipped
  • ordersShipped
  • browserPageViews
  • browserPageViewsB2B
  • mobileAppPageViews
  • mobileAppPageViewsB2B
  • pageViews
  • pageViewsB2B
  • browserSessions
  • browserSessionsB2B
  • mobileAppSessions
  • mobileAppSessionsB2B
  • sessions
  • sessionsB2B
  • buyBoxPercentage
  • buyBoxPercentageB2B
  • orderItemSessionPercentage
  • orderItemSessionPercentageB2B
  • unitSessionPercentage
  • unitSessionPercentageB2B
  • averageOfferCount
  • averageParentItems
  • feedbackReceived
  • negativeFeedbackReceived
  • receivedNegativeFeedbackRate
  • parentAsin
  • salesByAsin
  • trafficByAsin
  • browserSessionPercentage
  • mobileAppSessionPercentage
  • sessionPercentage
  • browserPageViewsPercentage
  • mobileAppPageViewsPercentage
  • pageViewsPercentage