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App Integrations API FAQ

Frequently asked questions about App Integrations.

How do I integrate the App Integrations API v2024-04-01?

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To learn how to integrate the App Integrations API v2024-04-01, refer to the App Integrations API v2024-04-01 Use Case Guide.

What types of notifications are not allowed?

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The following notification content is not permitted:

  • Notifications that name a non-Amazon sales channel. You can provide details or a summary of a non-Amazon channel, but not the channel name.
  • Promotional notifications that invite the seller to adopt new products or features that:
    • Incur additional costs or fees.
    • Are not part of what the seller has already signed up for.
    • Don't relate to the seller's business needs.

Where can sellers view the notifications in Seller Central?

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Sellers can view the notifications you send through App Notifications on the Seller Central homepage, where they can click and view the notification details.

Can I track seller engagement?

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Yes, you can track seller engagement with your notifications. Each notification you create has a unique identifier (the notification ID). You can retrieve this ID from CreateNotificationResponse. When a seller clicks on the notification's call-to-action (CTA) URL, the notification ID is appended to the URL. You can use this information to track which users are clicking on the notification.