Edit your Appstore Listing
Guidance for editing your app listing.
If you need to edit your listing after it is published, you can submit edits through the Solution Provider Portal.
Sign in to the Solution Provider Portal using your developer credentials.
For Seller Central users, sign in to Seller Central for your marketplace and navigate to Apps and Services, then Develop Apps.
For Vendor Central users, sign in to Vendor Central for your marketplace and navigate to Integration, then API Integration.
On the Solution Provider Portal homepage, navigate to Develop Apps console. Under Action, choose Edit Listing in the drop down menu for the app listing that you want to edit.
On the App information page, make your edits and choose Save and continue.
On the Pricing page, make your edits and choose Save and continue.
On the App details page, review your App details and choose Save and submit.
The App listing submitted page includes a link to your case log, where you can view the progress of your listing request. We will use the case log to contact you if we require clarification or have questions.
Updated about 1 month ago