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Amazon Warehousing and Distribution API Use Case Guide

How to work with Amazon Warehousing and Distribution (AWD) orders using the Amazon Warehousing and Distribution API.

API Version: 2024-05-09

What is the Amazon Warehousing and Distribution API?

You can use the Amazon Warehousing and Distribution (AWD) API to create and update inbound orders to ship inventory to AWD distribution centers, track inventory inside AWD distribution centers, and track shipments on the way to AWD distribution centers. For information about AWD API operations, data types, and schemas, refer to the Amazon Warehousing and Distribution API Reference.



This API is available in the US marketplace.

Key features

  • Create inbound orders: Verify AWD inbound eligibility and create inbound orders with a region preference.
  • Update inbound orders: Update one or more individual attributes for an inbound order, such as the packagesToInbound, originAddress, and preferences attributes.
  • Cancel inbound orders: Cancel an inbound order.
  • List all inbound shipments: Retrieve all inbound shipments across orders with optional filters.
  • Retrieve details about inbound shipments: Retrieve inbound shipments with optional filters and access shipment details with SKU-specific attributes.
  • Retrieve inbound shipment labels: Retrieve box labels for confirmed inbound shipments.
  • Update transport details: Update transport information for an AWD inbound shipment.
  • Track AWD inventory: Return real-time information, such as expiration dates, about the inventory within an AWD distribution center and units that are reserved by a replenishment order. Return quantity information for units that are in transit to AWD or from AWD to a Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) facility.
  • Read interoperability: Access inbound orders that you create with Amazon's Send to Amazon Warehousing and Distribution UI.


  • Inbound order: Inbound orders instruct the movement of inventory from an arbitrary location to an AWD distribution center. An inbound order has one or more inbound shipments. Each inbound shipment represents a trackable movement provided by an underlying transportation carrier.
  • Inbound shipments: Inbound shipments include a list of items that are contained within the shipment, and other details, such as: tracking number, carrier information, quantities received, expiration dates, preparation details, and your item label preparation preferences.
  • Inventory listing: Contains SKU-level quantities for all inventory in an AWD distribution center.

AWD inbound shipment workflow

The following diagram shows the steps to ship inventory to an AWD distribution center. This is an illustrative example and does not include all of the optional operations.

The AWD inbound shipment workflow.

Tutorial: Create an inbound order for shipment to AWD


To complete this tutorial, you need:

Step 1a. (Optional) - Determine if the packages that you specify are eligible for an AWD inbound order

Call the checkInboundEligibility operation and pass in the following parameters:

Body parameters

BodyRepresents the packages you want to inbound. Type: InboundPackagesYes

Request example

POST https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/awd/2024-05-09/inboundEligibility

  "packagesToInbound": [
      "count": 1,
      "distributionPackage": {
        "contents": {
          "products": [
              "quantity": 1,
              "sku": "SKU1",
              "attributes": [
                  "name": "Color",
                  "value": "Blue"
              "expiration": "2025-06-07T12:12:09.061Z",
              "prepDetails": {
                "prepCategory": "PERFORATED",
                "prepOwner": "AMAZON"
        "measurements": {
          "dimensions": {
            "height": 28,
            "length": 27,
            "unitOfMeasurement": "CENTIMETERS",
            "width": 47
          "weight": {
            "unitOfMeasurement": "KILOGRAMS",
            "weight": 7
        "type": "CASE"


HTTP codeDescriptionSchema
200The 200 response for checkInboundEligibility.
Headers :
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier.

Response example

  "ineligibilityReasons": [],
  "packagesToInbound": [
      "ineligibilityReasons": [],
      "packageQuantity": {
        "count": 1,
        "distributionPackage": {
          "contents": {
            "packages": [],
            "products": [
                "attributes": [
                    "name": "Color",
                    "value": "Blue"
                "expiration": "2025-06-07T12:12:09.061Z",
                "prepDetails": {
                  "prepCategory": "PERFORATED",
                  "prepInstructions": [],
                  "prepOwner": "AMAZON"
                "quantity": 1,
                "sku": "SKU1"
          "measurements": {
            "dimensions": {
              "height": 28,
              "length": 27,
              "unitOfMeasurement": "CENTIMETERS",
              "width": 47
            "weight": {
              "unitOfMeasurement": "KILOGRAMS",
              "weight": 7
          "type": "CASE"
      "status": "ELIGIBLE"
  "previewedAt": "2025-01-02T20:31:13.836Z",
  "status": "ELIGIBLE"

Step 1. Create an AWD inbound order

Call the createInbound operation and pass in the following parameters (Amazon creates a single shipment per order):

Body parameters

BodyPayload for creating an inbound order. Type: InboundOrderCreationDataYes

The packagesToInbound must contain a list of packages that you want to inbound. ProductQuantity must include the MSKU, quantity, and party that prepares or labels the item. The SKU limit for an inbound order is 150 unique SKUs.



Each item that you ship must conform to Amazon's product packaging requirements. For more information, refer to Packaging and Prep Requirements in Seller Central Help. For more information about Amazon's product packaging requirements for your marketplace, refer to Seller Central URLs.

Request example

POST https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/awd/2024-05-09/inboundOrders

  "externalReferenceId": "string",
  "originAddress": {
    "addressLine1": "string",
    "city": "string",
    "countryCode": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "postalCode": "string",
    "stateOrRegion": "string"
  "packagesToInbound": [
      "count": 1,
      "distributionPackage": {
        "contents": {
          "products": [
              "quantity": 1,
              "sku": "SKU1",
              "attributes": [
                  "name": "Color",
                  "value": "Blue"
              "expiration": "2025-06-07T12:12:09.061Z",
              "prepDetails": {
                "prepCategory": "PERFORATED",
                "prepOwner": "AMAZON"
        "measurements": {
          "dimensions": {
            "height": 28,
            "length": 27,
            "unitOfMeasurement": "CENTIMETERS",
            "width": 47
          "weight": {
            "unitOfMeasurement": "KILOGRAMS",
            "weight": 7
        "type": "CASE"
      "preferences": {
        "destinationRegion": "us-east"


HTTP codeDescriptionSchema
201createInbound 201 response.
Headers :
Location (string) : Location header with the order ID for the newly created inbound order.
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier.

Response example

  "orderId": "STAR-TYAHS6NMDXXX"



Amazon does not support multiple expiration dates per SKU on a single inbound order. To send a SKU with multiple expiration dates to the AWD distribution center, you must create multiple inbound orders.

Step 2. Review the inbound order

To review the inbound order details and destination address, call the getInbound operation and pass in the following parameters.

Query parameters

orderIdID for the inbound order to be retrieved. Type: stringYes

Request example

GET https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/awd/2024-05-09/inboundOrders/STAR-TYAHS6NMDXXX


HTTP codeDescriptionSchema
200The 200 response for getInbound.
Headers :
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier.

Response example

  "createdAt": "2024-11-23T01:09:14.624Z",
  "externalReferenceId": "string",
  "orderId": "STAR-TYAHS6NMDXXX",
  "orderStatus": "DRAFT",
  "originAddress": {
    "city": "string",
    "countryCode": "string",
    "district": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "postalCode": "string",
    "stateOrRegion": "string",
    "addressLine1": "string",
    "addressLine2": "string"
  "packagesToInbound": [
      "count": 1,
      "distributionPackage": {
        "contents": {
          "products": [
              "quantity": 1,
              "sku": "SKU1",
              "attributes": [
                  "name": "Color",
                  "value": "Blue"
                  "name": "asin",
                  "value": "B00OLPAXXX"
                  "name": "glProductGroupType",
                  "value": "gl_beauty"
              "expiration": "2025-06-07T12:12:09.061Z",
              "prepDetails": {
                "prepCategory": "PERFORATED",
                "prepOwner": "AMAZON"
        "measurements": {
          "dimensions": {
            "height": 28,
            "length": 27,
            "unitOfMeasurement": "CENTIMETERS",
            "width": 47
          "weight": {
            "unitOfMeasurement": "KILOGRAMS",
            "weight": 7
        "type": "CASE"
  "updatedAt": "2024-11-23T01:09:14.624Z",
  "destinationDetails": [
      "destinationAddress": {
        "countryCode": "string",
        "city": "string",
        "district": "string",
        "name": "string",
        "postalCode": "string",
        "addressLine1": "string",
        "addressLine2": "string",
        "addressLine3": "string",
        "stateOrRegion": "string"
      "destinationRegion": "us-east"



The inbound ShipmentId generates only upon confirmation of the inbound order.

Step 2b. Update the inbound order

The updateInbound operation updates the draft AWD inbound order for the packages that you want to inbound. You can only update AWD inbound orders in DRAFT status and that don't have seller confirmation.



When you update an inbound order, the system re-evaluates the order details. This re-evaluation process might result in the assignment of a different destination address for the inbound shipment.

Call the updateInbound operation and pass in the following parameters:

Path parameters

orderIdThe ID of the inbound order that you want to update. Type: stringYes

Body parameters

BodyRepresents an AWD inbound order. Type: InboundOrderYes

Request example

PUT https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/awd/2024-05-09/inboundOrders/STAR-TYAHS6NMDXXX

  "destinationDetails": {
    "destinationAddress": {
      "countryCode": "US",
      "city": "NORTH EAST",
      "district": "",
      "name": "IUSL",
      "postalCode": "21901-2914",
      "addressLine1": "600 PRINCIPIO PKWY W",
      "addressLine2": "",
      "addressLine3": "",
      "stateOrRegion": "MD"
    "destinationRegion": "us-east"
  "createdAt": "2024-11-23T01:09:14.624Z",
  "externalReferenceId": "string",
  "orderId": "STAR-TYAHS6NMDXXX",
  "orderStatus": "DRAFT",
  "originAddress": {
    "addressLine1": "string",
    "addressLine2": "string",
    "addressLine3": "string",
    "city": "string",
    "countryCode": "string",
    "county": "string",
    "district": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "phoneNumber": "string",
    "postalCode": "string",
    "stateOrRegion": "string"
  "packagesToInbound": [
      "count": 1,
      "distributionPackage": {
        "contents": {
          "products": [
              "quantity": 1,
              "sku": "SKU1",
              "attributes": [
                  "name": "Color",
                  "value": "Blue"
                  "name": "asin",
                  "value": "B00OLPAXXX"
                  "name": "glProductGroupType",
                  "value": "gl_beauty"
              "expiration": "2025-06-07T12:12:09.061Z",
              "prepDetails": {
                "prepCategory": "PERFORATED",
                "prepOwner": "AMAZON"
        "measurements": {
          "dimensions": {
            "height": 28,
            "length": 27,
            "unitOfMeasurement": "CENTIMETERS",
            "width": 47
          "weight": {
            "unitOfMeasurement": "KILOGRAMS",
            "weight": 7
        "type": "CASE"
  "updatedAt": "2024-11-24T01:09:14.624Z",
  "preferences": {
    "destinationRegion": "us-west"


HTTP codeDescriptionSchema
204The 204 response for updateInbound.
Headers :
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier.
No content


After you update the inbound order, use the getInbound operation to review the inbound order details and confirm the destination address.

Step 3. Confirm the inbound order

With the confirmInbound operation, you can confirm an AWD inbound order in DRAFT status. This confirmation is a requirement for all transportation types and indicates that the order details are ready for further processing. After an order reaches CONFIRMED status, it advances in the inbound workflow and the next steps in the inbound shipping process begin.

Path parameters

orderIdID for the inbound order to confirm. Type: stringYes

Request example

POST https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/awd/2024-05-09/inboundOrders/STAR-TYAHS6NMDXXX/confirmation


HTTP codeDescriptionSchema
204The 204 response for confirmInbound.
Headers :
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier.
No content

Step 4. Generate the box labels

Call the getInboundShipmentLabels operation to request unique box labels for your inbound shipments. After you make the call, poll the system regularly to check for a GENERATED labelStatus. When the box labels are ready, affix each box label with its corresponding package in the shipment. The labels indicate the package contents and help the AWD distribution center process your shipment quickly and accurately.

Path parameters

orderIdID for the inbound order to confirm. Type: stringYes

Query parameters

pageTypePage type for the generated labels. The default is PLAIN_PAPER. Type: enum (PageType)No
formatTypeThe format type of the output file that contains your labels. Type: enum (FormatType)No

Request example

GET https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/awd/2024-05-09/inboundShipments/STAR-X2QWMFFNK5XXX/labels


HTTP codeDescriptionSchema
200The 200 response for getInboundShipmentLabels.
Headers :
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier.

Response example

   "labelDownloadURL": "https://amzn-storage-label-prod-prod-us-east-1.s3.amazonaws.com/47a864aa-a0be-44ea-89d2-397381130c6b.zip?response-content-disposition=attachment%3B%20filename%3D%22STAR-VX25NKF4PW654-package-labels.zip%22&X-Amz-Security-Token=IQoJb3JpZ2luX2VjECwaCXVzLWVhc3QtMSJGMEQCIE9RuRZwQW398KTgvo39o9FeIia7HNBC0q2eAYPksU97AiBBoheN0Nvgw5AR3mhbEUxOkYYf3O%2BAtCexv5QIbuJ%2B3yq2BAj0%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F8BEAAaDDk2NTg2NDc1MjU0MSIMeIiMEu0VD1GiG5leKooEvb03OBNXHMUSvCgGqKagGewnBkqT6NR0CsxsxNVgCSu65f81liHOALq9UFlMYwETcNfjFqvfEcxGrwmsvNovQjoolT4Odw6x0PL4DrF0Z%2BikFPnEpXzqfoqV%2Bw3VoFzp2krDx5ozP4voXYLsx6TlnI5Ln0S0linHroDCocds7meaMPq7yyN9l6zMrDK9uelNTqwcVDP0gM20Fbk0bkN%2B%2B5TozA%2FG%2Bg24q7q2StjQD%2B1SyCbtTB81xx4B6txfMD05IwotrIUmUzK%2FTBCSCiJJoX7zZJaH2If2Sr4%2B3GL1Jecks3kgKFhIR4rsnKuv3qBSmujFS%2FPK5W9L6PcD2iwvkSUPskSgi8tb2eqrjUFP6Yj9amiHwHa6NoyJ%2Fa3LLwhu1B85BnPqhbDRsMwCz7xkXZwKwviFRZwzxBBSHWoJjou3CTR%2Fvz0ALWB9DvEjjMMqNUkkIJPddFi%2B%2F1Ok77k16rnWtTVxh9PHO33VpN4Z0L7hbC5N6nybTLE%2BzpozygOoL%2FHCz8XXLoYYbqArN0VwggqtNJOx%2BNZQEyeAf1qRhwRqSaT9LLuETzBK7lnafSuZjmaHot%2FC5dWe2e2l6XBrdvj%2F8LNjj2QiwB8K0jQ2T41VKVz984tprWQbkNF%2F823lbRxNZ9cw5cgk8M9oavUhXfIuFe07RTJ86ogyyDagyD86nbiDbG6jEhKCMMmt4LQGOqcBv%2BO7mc6nKzf%2BBan7Wwq8WEgYIu78%2BgdToX0RI3l%2FHHH9iTMAQju3c9zd8WfN2r0e8lgBCHdH%2B7C58vlgG4TBQnv2CPHQj47wBT0rktnjhNA4apChxpYXYYMAYWn%2BRPIZvXsjfYG%2FGpq%2FOMQ1d2Q%2B0lsNz19NXfnhWPWrmDyFAiLw3cIMYv7jeApuRLgsAmGHRLBiFRNgJvzX7pny819tbZH8QtFpdMc%3D&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Date=20240717T214956Z&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Credential=ASIA6BYQGQWOSQYAHZ2S%2F20240717%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Expires=600&X-Amz-Signature=8a49fdc8fde5975c01f71aa8cf5648180459ec4d99488fcf9fd6879d9af738ad",

   "labelStatus": "GENERATED"



The labels that you generate are valid for 600 seconds and are in a compressed .zip file format.

Step 5. Update the tracking information

You must update the tracking information after you send shipments to AWD distribution centers with non-partnered carriers. The updateInboundShipmentTransportDetails operation requires that you input the shipmentId and transportation information.

For small parcel shipments, you can provide only one booking ID. Amazon uses the booking ID to track and manage incoming inventory.

Call the updateInboundShipmentTransportDetails operation and pass in the following parameters:

Path parameters

shipmentIdThe shipment ID. Type: stringYes


BodyTransportation details for the shipment. Type: TransportationDetailsYes

Request example

PUT https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/awd/2024-05-09/inboundShipments/STAR-X2QWMFFNK5XXX/transport

  "trackingDetails": [
      "carrierCode": {
        "carrierCodeType": "SCAC"
      "bookingId": "TRACK123456"


HTTP codeDescriptionSchema
204The 204 response for updateInboundShipmentTransportDetails.
Headers :
x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.
x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier.
No content

Tutorial: Retrieve a list of inbound shipments for a specific time

Learn how to get a list of AWD inbound orders for a specific date-time.


To complete this tutorial, you need:

Step 1. Get a list of all inbound orders

Call the listInboundShipments operation by passing the following parameters:

Query parameters

sortByField to sort results by. Required if sortOrder is provided.
Type: enum (SortBy)
sortOrderSort the response in ASCENDING or DESCENDING order.
Type: enum (SortOrder)
shipmentStatusFilter by inbound shipment status.
Type: enum (InboundShipmentStatus)
updatedAfterList the inbound shipments that were updated after a certain time (inclusive). The date must be in ISO 8601 format.
Type: string (date-time)
updatedBeforeList the inbound shipments that were updated before a certain time (inclusive). The date must be in ISO 8601 format.
Type: string (date-time)
maxResultsMaximum number of results to return.
Minimum: 1
Maximum: 200
Type: integer (int32)
nextTokenA token that is used to retrieve the next page of results. The response includes nextToken when the number of results exceeds the specified maxResults value. To get the next page of results, call the operation with this token and include the same arguments as the call that produced the token. To get a complete list, call this operation until nextToken is null. Note that this operation can return empty pages.
Type: string
Default: 25

Request example

GET https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/awd/2024-05-09/inboundShipments?sortBy=UPDATED_AT&sortOrder=ASCENDING&updatedAfter=2022-12-25T15:45:03.33Z&updatedBefore=2022-12-28T15:45:03.33Z&maxResults=5


nextTokenA token that is used to retrieve the next page of results. The response includes nextToken when the number of results exceeds the specified maxResults value. To get the next page of results, call the operation with this token and include the same arguments as the call that produced the token. To get a complete list, call this operation until nextToken is null. Note that this operation can return empty pages.
Type: string
shipmentsList of inbound shipment summaries.
Type: < InboundShipmentSummary > array

Response example

  "nextToken": "eyJh...",
  "shipments": [
      "createdAt": "2024-03-06T21:51:53.983Z",
      "externalReferenceId": "wf976707c6-6692-4e0a-b108-a1ba917a5cxx",
      "orderId": "STAR-W2W4UMHYH6GXX",
      "shipmentId": "STAR-RXMJTXWZGU2XX",
      "shipmentStatus": "CLOSED",
      "updatedAt": "2024-06-04T21:51:55.014Z"
      "createdAt": "2024-03-06T21:17:26.945Z",
      "externalReferenceId": "wf885a8eb0-4c20-455b-8687-ffc0eb8507xx",
      "orderId": "STAR-QB6Y5BPDNXWXX",
      "shipmentId": "STAR-WVEKXEGFHYFXX",
      "shipmentStatus": "CLOSED",
      "updatedAt": "2024-06-04T21:17:28.020Z"
      "createdAt": "2024-06-04T20:48:46.752Z",
      "externalReferenceId": "wfcc55fa04-d090-4b04-a110-a72f74dd82xx",
      "orderId": "STAR-R4ZEGJFGWHXXX",
      "shipmentId": "STAR-S7YJSYJXSXPXX",
      "shipmentStatus": "CANCELLED",
      "updatedAt": "2024-06-04T20:49:25.923Z"
      "createdAt": "2024-06-04T20:46:40.866Z",
      "externalReferenceId": "wf68f20503-043a-4f9f-b500-d59e257590xx",
      "orderId": "STAR-UXBRMX4ENAZXX",
      "shipmentId": "STAR-RADCKNCM2XYXX",
      "shipmentStatus": "CANCELLED",
      "updatedAt": "2024-06-04T20:47:18.686Z"
      "createdAt": "2024-06-04T20:34:15.359Z",
      "externalReferenceId": "wf46986b76-5575-467f-84d1-427fd80a78xx",
      "orderId": "STAR-VFWFC2WZX6EXX",
      "shipmentId": "STAR-TDVYDJMW52YXX",
      "shipmentStatus": "CANCELLED",
      "updatedAt": "2024-06-04T20:34:50.005Z"

Tutorial: Retrieve and filter a list of inbound shipments

Learn how to use shipmentStatus to filter the list of AWD inbound orders.


To complete this tutorial, you need:

Step 1. Get a list of all inbound orders

Call the listInboundShipments operation by passing the following parameters:

Query parameters

sortByField to sort results by. Required if sortOrder is provided.
Type: enum (SortBy)
sortOrderSort the response in ASCENDING or DESCENDING order.
Type: enum (SortOrder)
shipmentStatusFilter by inbound shipment status.
Type: enum (InboundShipmentStatus)
updatedAfterList the inbound shipments that were updated after a certain time (inclusive). The date must be in ISO 8601 format.
Type: string (date-time)
updatedBeforeList the inbound shipments that were updated before a certain time (inclusive). The date must be in ISO 8601 format.
Type: string (date-time)
maxResultsMaximum number of results to return.
Minimum: 1
Maximum: 200
Type: integer (int32)
nextTokenA token that is used to retrieve the next page of results. The response includes nextToken when the number of results exceeds the specified maxResults value. To get the next page of results, call the operation with this token and include the same arguments as the call that produced the token. To get a complete list, call this operation until nextToken is null. Note that this operation can return empty pages.
Type: string

Request example

GET https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/awd/2024-05-09/inboundShipments?sortBy=UPDATED_AT&sortOrder=ASCENDING&shipmentStatus=CREATED&maxResults=5


nextTokenA token that is used to retrieve the next page of results. The response includes nextToken when the number of results exceeds the specified maxResults value. To get the next page of results, call the operation with this token and include the same arguments as the call that produced the token. To get a complete list, call this operation until nextToken is null. Note that this operation can return empty pages.
Type: string
shipmentsList of inbound shipment summaries.
Type: < InboundShipmentSummary > array

Response example

  "nextToken": "eyJh...",
  "shipments": [
      "createdAt": "2024-06-04T18:42:40.262Z",
      "externalReferenceId": "wf0d65f26a-0e30-46b1-8633-b75ebf832cyy",
      "orderId": "STAR-SDKNUYRRSRKYY",
      "shipmentId": "STAR-UWQJPM3BERJYY",
      "shipmentStatus": "CREATED",
      "updatedAt": "2024-06-04T18:43:13.251Z"
      "createdAt": "2024-06-04T05:38:52.343Z",
      "externalReferenceId": "wf6b9e237b-c898-4961-9891-5507a2d4ddyy",
      "orderId": "STAR-V4PH26YS5FTYY",
      "shipmentId": "STAR-XMAX23B44SPYY",
      "shipmentStatus": "CREATED",
      "updatedAt": "2024-06-04T05:39:24.750Z"
      "createdAt": "2024-06-04T05:32:38.387Z",
      "externalReferenceId": "wfb1402c90-3089-44ca-9f2c-35d056436cyy",
      "orderId": "STAR-W3B5KXMWWPXYY",
      "shipmentId": "STAR-XQR3Q3BENW5YY",
      "shipmentStatus": "CREATED",
      "updatedAt": "2024-06-04T05:33:39.022Z"
      "createdAt": "2024-06-03T18:18:35.278Z",
      "externalReferenceId": "wfb45e0961-4ae9-43f9-9516-43e1ad98b0yy",
      "orderId": "STAR-RGKE7NYCPKWYY",
      "shipmentId": "STAR-TWPBZWMM2XWYY",
      "shipmentStatus": "CREATED",
      "updatedAt": "2024-06-03T18:19:05.389Z"
      "createdAt": "2024-06-03T14:48:15.235Z",
      "externalReferenceId": "wf4872e1d6-ad5e-4989-97f5-41cdae9f63yy",
      "orderId": "STAR-SRGD7GVD6GUYY",
      "shipmentId": "STAR-QDDTWGJQSABYY",
      "shipmentStatus": "CREATED",
      "updatedAt": "2024-06-03T14:48:50.865Z"

Tutorial: Track an inbound shipment with expected and received SKU details

Learn how to retrieve a particular AWD inbound shipment which contains items that are planned to be inbounded to a distribution center. For each SKU, you can also retrieve expiration dates and prep details.


To complete this tutorial, you need:

Step 1. Get inbound shipment details based on a shipmentId

Call the getInboundShipment operation by passing the following parameters:

Path parameters

shipmentIdUnique shipment ID.
Type: string

Query parameters

skuQuantitiesSet SHOW to include the shipment SKU quantity details
Defaults to HIDE which returns shipment without SKU quantities.
Type: enum (SkuQuantities)

Request example

GET https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/awd/2024-05-09/inboundShipments/STAR-RT6G6UWYQ4SDX?skuQuantities=SHOW


carrierCodeThe shipment carrier code.
Type: CarrierCode
createdAtTimestamp when the shipment was created. The date is returned in ISO 8601 format.
Type: string (date-time)
destinationAddressDestination address for this shipment.
Type: Address
externalReferenceIdClient-provided reference ID that can correlate this shipment to client resources. For example, to map this shipment to an internal bookkeeping order record.
Type: string
orderIdThe AWD inbound order ID that this inbound shipment belongs to.
minLength: 1
Type: string
originAddressOrigin address for this shipment. Type: Address
receivedQuantityQuantity received (at the receiving end) as part of this shipment.
Type: < InventoryQuantity > array
shipByTimestamp when the shipment is shipped.
Type: string (date-time)
shipmentContainerQuantitiesPackages that are part of this shipment.
Type: < DistributionPackageQuantity > array
shipmentIdUnique shipment ID. Type: string
shipmentStatusCurrent status of this shipment.
Type: enum (InboundShipmentStatus)
trackingIdCarrier-unique tracking ID for this shipment.
minLength : 1
Type: string
updatedAtTimestamp when the shipment was updated. The date is returned in ISO 8601 format.
Type: string (date-time)
warehouseReferenceIdAn AWD-provided reference ID that you can use to interact with the warehouse. For example, a carrier appointment booking.
Type: string
shipmentSkuQuantitiesQuantity details at SKU level for the shipment. This attribute only appears if the skuQuantities parameter in the request is set to SHOW.
Type: < SkuQuantity > array

Response example

  "createdAt": "2023-07-27T12:23:49.324Z",
  "destinationAddress": {
    "addressLine1": "string",
    "addressLine2": "string",
    "addressLine3": "string",
    "city": "string",
    "countryCode": "string",
    "district": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "postalCode": "string",
    "stateOrRegion": "string"
  "orderId": "STAR-SKFFWD6G6FMXX",
  "originAddress": {
    "addressLine1": "string",
    "addressLine2": "string",
    "city": "string",
    "countryCode": "string",
    "district": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "postalCode": "string",
    "stateOrRegion": "string"
  "receivedQuantity": [
      "quantity": 0,
      "unitOfMeasurement": "CASES"
  "shipBy": "2024-06-30T18:29:59.000Z",
  "shipmentContainerQuantities": [
      "count": 2,
      "distributionPackage": {
        "contents": {
          "packages": [],
          "products": [
              "attributes": [
                  "name": "asin",
                  "value": "B001CRVUXX"
                  "name": "glProductGroupType",
                  "value": "gl_office_product"
              "quantity": 3,
              "sku": "SKU1",
              "expiration": "2025-06-07T12:12:09.061Z",
              "prepDetails": {
                "prepCategory": "PERFORATED",
                "prepOwner": "AMAZON",
                "labelOwner": "SELF",
                "prepInstructions": [{
                  "prepType": "ITEM_POLYBAGGING",
                  "prepOwner": "AMAZON"
        "measurements": {
          "dimensions": {
            "height": 5.08,
            "length": 25.4,
            "unitOfMeasurement": "CENTIMETERS",
            "width": 12.7
          "weight": {
            "unitOfMeasurement": "KILOGRAMS",
            "weight": 9.07184
        "type": "CASE"
  "shipmentId": "STAR-RT6G6UWYQ4SXX",
  "shipmentStatus": "CREATED",
  "updatedAt": "2024-06-04T18:43:13.251Z",
  "warehouseReferenceId": "5MEK9YYY",
  "shipmentSkuQuantities": [
      "expectedQuantity": {
        "quantity": 2,
        "unitOfMeasurement": "CASES"
      "receivedQuantity": {
        "quantity": 0,
        "unitOfMeasurement": "CASES"
	  "sku": "SKU1"

Tutorial: Get all available inventory summaries with detail

Learn how to use the AWD Inventory API to return all the inventory summaries with detail.


To complete this tutorial, you need:

Step 1. Get AWD inventory summaries

Call the listInventory operation by passing the following parameters:

Query parameters

skuFilter by seller SKU for the item.
Type: string
sortOrderSort the response in ASCENDING or DESCENDING order.
Type: enum (SortOrder)
detailsSet to SHOW to return summaries with additional inventory details. Defaults to HIDE, which returns only inventory summary totals.
Type: enum (Details)
maxResultsMaximum number of results to return.
Minimum: 1
Maximum: 200
Type: integer (int32)
nextTokenA token that is used to retrieve the next page of results. The response includes nextToken when the number of results exceeds the specified maxResults value. To get the next page of results, call the operation with this token and include the same arguments as the call that produced the token. To get a complete list, call this operation until nextToken is null. Note that this operation can return empty pages.
Type: string

Request example

GET https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/awd/2024-05-09/inventory?details=SHOW


inventoryList of inventory summaries. Type: < InventorySummary > array
nextTokenA token that is used to retrieve the next page of results. The response includes nextToken when the number of results exceeds the specified maxResults value. To get the next page of results, call the operation with this token and include the same arguments as the call that produced the token. To get a complete list, call this operation until nextToken is null. Note that this operation can return empty pages.
Type: string

Response example

  "inventory": [
      "inventoryDetails": {
        "availableDistributableQuantity": 20,
        "reservedDistributableQuantity": 10,
        "replenishmentQuantity": 10
      "expirationDetails": [
          "onhandQuantity": 10,
          "expiration": "2025-09-12T00:00:00.061Z"
          "onhandQuantity": 20,
          "expiration": "2025-10-10T00:00:00.061Z"
      "sku": "EDP-SKU1",
      "totalInboundQuantity": 0,
      "totalOnhandQuantity": 30
      "inventoryDetails": {
        "availableDistributableQuantity": 300,
        "reservedDistributableQuantity": 300,
        "replenishmentQuantity": 100
      "sku": "SKU2",
      "totalInboundQuantity": 50,
      "totalOnhandQuantity": 600
  "nextToken": "eyJhdmFpbGFibGVRdWFudGl0eSI6MCwiY2hhbm5lbElkIjoiYWZuLXVzIiwic2t1VmFsdWUiOiJHQVRFV0FZX1RFU1RfU0tVXzMiLCJza3VUeXBlIjoiTVNLVSJ9"

Tutorial: Get inventory summaries for the seller specified SKUs

Learn how to use the AWD Inventory API to return the inventory summaries for a particular SKU.


To complete this tutorial, you need:

Step 1. Get AWD inventory summaries

Call the listInventory operation by passing the following parameters:

Query parameters

skuFilter by seller SKU for the item.
Type: string
sortOrderSort the response in ASCENDING or DESCENDING order.
Type: enum (SortOrder)
detailsSet to SHOW to return summaries with additional inventory details. Defaults to HIDE, which returns only inventory summary totals.
Type: enum (Details)
maxResultsMaximum number of results to return.
Minimum: 1
Maximum: 200
Type: integer (int32)
nextTokenA token that is used to retrieve the next page of results. The response includes nextToken when the number of results exceeds the specified maxResults value. To get the next page of results, call the operation with this token and include the same arguments as the call that produced the token. To get a complete list, call this operation until nextToken is null. Note that this operation can return empty pages.
Type: string

Request example

GET https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/awd/2024-05-09/inventory?sku=SKU_2&details=SHOW


inventoryList of inventory summaries. Type: < InventorySummary > array
nextTokenA token that is used to retrieve the next page of results. The response includes nextToken when the number of results exceeds the specified maxResults value. To get the next page of results, call the operation with this token and include the same arguments as the call that produced the token. To get a complete list, call this operation until nextToken is null. Note that this operation can return empty pages.
Type: string

Response example

  "inventory": [
      "inventoryDetails": {
        "availableDistributableQuantity": 200,
        "reservedDistributableQuantity": 0,
        "replenishmentQuantity": 50
      "sku": "SKU_2",
      "totalInboundQuantity": 10,
      "totalOnhandQuantity": 200

Resolve SKU preparation errors

If you encounter SKU preparation errors, use the checkInboundEligibility operation to verify the ineligibilityReasons. Use the following table to review the error codes and resolutions.

Error example

"ineligibilityReasons": [{
    "description": " Label owner must not be null for the SKU <SKU123> with prep category <PERFORATED>. Possible values are:[AMAZON/SELF]. For more details on prep guidance, refer https://sellercentral.amazon.com/help/hub/reference/external/GF4G7547KSLDX2KC"

Error codes and resolutions

Error codeResolution guidanceResolution example
EXPECTED_NON_NULL_LABEL_OWNERAdd labelOwner as AMAZON/SELFprepDetails: {"prepCategory": "PERFORATED", "prepOwner": "AMAZON", "labelOwner": "SELF"}
EXPECTED_NON_NULL_PREP_OWNERAdd prepOwner as AMAZON/SELFprepDetails: {"prepCategory": "PERFORATED", "prepOwner": "AMAZON", "labelOwner": "SELF"}
EXPECTED_SAME_PREP_LABEL_OWNERSAdd prepOwner and labelOwner with the same valuesprepDetails: {"prepCategory": "PERFORATED", "prepOwner": "AMAZON", "labelOwner": "AMAZON"}
EXPECTED_SELF_PREP_OWNERAdd prepOwner as SELFprepDetails: {"prepCategory": "PERFORATED", "prepOwner": "SELF", "labelOwner": "AMAZON"}
EXPECTED_AMAZON_PREP_OWNERAdd prepOwner as AMAZONprepDetails: {"prepCategory": "PERFORATED", "prepOwner": "AMAZON", "labelOwner": "SELF"}
EXPECTED_SELF_LABEL_OWNERAdd labelOwner as SELFprepDetails: {"prepCategory": "PERFORATED", "prepOwner": "AMAZON", "labelOwner": "SELF"}
EXPECTED_AMAZON_LABEL_OWNERAdd labelOwner as AMAZONprepDetails: {"prepCategory": "PERFORATED", "prepOwner": "SELF", "labelOwner": "AMAZON"}
EXPECTED_NULL_LABEL_OWNERExclude labelOwnerprepDetails: {"prepCategory": "PERFORATED", "prepOwner": "AMAZON"}
EXPECTED_NULL_PREP_OWNERExclude prepOwnerprepDetails: {"prepCategory": "PERFORATED", "labelOwner": "AMAZON"}