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May 2022 SP-API Release Announcement

Updated May 20, 2022 for minor correction to report type category

New version of Catalog Items API

The new Catalog Items API version 2022-04-01 improves the API experience and addresses developer feedback with the following changes:

  • Added identifier-based searches to the searchCatalogItems operation, enabling batch-like requests with up to 20 identifiers per request (ASINs, UPCs, EANs, etc.)
  • Added dimensions data set, providing normalized item and package dimensions
  • Added display names for product category, product subcategory, and browse classification
  • Expanded identifying attributes to item summaries (item classification, package quantity, part number, website display group)
  • Added browse classifications and website display groups to sales ranks
  • Aligned searchCatalogItems and getCatalogItem operations to use the same data sets, including attributes
  • Replaced variations with relationships to allow for multiple relationship types to be represented, such as package hierarchies
  • Added variation theme details (name to the relationships details)

New batch operations capabilities

The Product Fees API and Product Pricing API now include batch operations for retrieving information for a list of products. We strongly encourage developers migrating to these APIs to use the new batch operations to most efficiently call these APIs instead of calling these APIs one-by-one.

New Purchase Shield program operations

The Orders API now includes two new operations to support the Purchase Shield program for managing regulated orders in the UK and Italy. Regulated orders are a limited set of orders that fulfill products requiring a prescription (pet medication, prescription contacts, and prescription glasses). Two new operations have been added: getOrderRegulatedInfo and updateVerificationStatus.

New Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) report types

The Reports API now includes three new Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) report types. The EPR Monthly Report, EPR Quarterly Report, and EPR Annual Reports include data on the EPR declarations for service providers in France and Germany to help sellers maintain compliance with EU regulations.

New support for filtering and limiting Any Offer Changed notifications

The Notifications API ANY_OFFER_CHANGED notification now supports filtering notifications to only specific marketplaceIds, and limiting notifications to one every five or ten minute interval. The updated notification accepts a new processingDirective parameter that lets you pass additional information to the subscription to control the processing of notifications. For more information, refer to the Notifications Use Case Guide.

For more information on this release, view our Selling Partner API Release Video.

Report Deprecations

This a reminder that the following reports are announcing deprecation and will be unavailable for both sellers and vendors:

Listings Reports

The following reports will be unavailable as of June 15, 2022:


These reports are replaced by _GET_MERCHANTS_LISTINGS_FYP_REPORT_. If you have an application that is affected by this change, you must update your application to use the _GET_MERCHANTS_LISTINGS_FYP_REPORT_ report by June 15, 2022 to avoid service disruption.

Vendor Retail Analytics Reports

The following reports are announcing deprecation and will be unavailable as of June 27, 2022.


Each of these reports has a new version or replacement report available. For more information on migrating to the new versions and replacement reports, refer to the Vendor Retail Analytics Reports Migration Guide.

Inventory Reports

The following reports will be unavailable as of June 27, 2022:


These reports are replaced by GET_FBA_INVENTORY_PLANNING_DATA. If you have an application that is affected by this change, you must update your application to use the GET_FBA_INVENTORY_PLANNING_DATA report by June 27, 2022 to avoid service disruption.

Brand Analytics Reports

The following reports will be unavailable as of June 30, 2022:


There are no planned replacements for these reports. If you have an application that is affected by this change, be sure to ensure your applications no longer use the deprecated report types after June 30, 2022.

Best regards,
The Selling Partner API team