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Data Kiosk reporting suite launches to general availability

We are excited to announce general availability of Data Kiosk in all marketplaces! Data Kiosk is a GraphQL-based dynamic reporting suite for accessing bulk data. You can use Data Kiosk to easily discover and select data fields from a comprehensive Amazon retail dataset.

Data Kiosk provides access to the following datasets:

  • Cross-domain Vendor Analytics: vendor data across sales, traffic, inventory, forecast, profitability, new geographical sales metrics, and other metrics aggregated by date, ASIN, brand manufacturing, and other granularities.
  • Economics: aggregated and per-unit product-level economics data including sales, returns, ads, fees, off-Amazon costs, and net proceeds for all products in a seller's catalog in a specified time range.
  • Sales and Traffic: details of seller sales and traffic such as ordered product sales, revenue, units ordered, claim amount, page traffic metrics, page views, and Buy Box percentage by ASIN or date granularity.



The Vendor Analytics and Sales and Traffic datasets require you to have the Brand Analytics role. The Economics dataset requires you to have the Selling Partner Insights role.

To support adoption of Data Kiosk, the Data Kiosk sample solution provides all of the resources required for deploying a fully functional SP-API application that automates the creation and retrieval of Data Kiosk documents. It serves as a tool for seamlessly integrating Data Kiosk into existing products. You can now download and deploy the solution to begin testing various Data Kiosk functionalities and datasets.

In addition to the sample solution, the Data Kiosk Workflow Guide offers insights into best practices, answers common questions about API usage, and outlines optimal workflows. The guide also features tutorials for specific use cases and an error and troubleshooting section. The workflow guide contains code samples in Python and Java, providing practical examples for implementation.

For more information on Data Kiosk, refer to: