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Removal of selling-partner-api-docs GitHub repository

The selling-partner-api-docs GitHub repository will be decommissioned on May 31, 2024. After May 31, 2024, this repository will no longer be available. All issues, bugs, and ideas submitted before this date will be moved to the selling-partner-api-models repository.

You can find all of the information previously available on the selling-partner-api-docs repository on the documentation site including:

What action is required?

For up-to-date information and announcements on SP-API changes, bookmark the Selling Partner API documentation site. To ensure that you continue to receive SP-API updates, including new feature announcements and changes, bookmark the SP-API changelog and subscribe to the SP-API RSS feed. You can submit issues, discussions, and ideas and access code artifacts (Swagger models, JSON schemas) on the selling-partner-api-models GitHub repository. For sample solutions, check out our selling-partner-api-samples GitHub repository.