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Notification of upcoming product type (PT) availability

As of July 26, 2023, 1,604 product types supported by XML and flat-file feeds are now available to sellers using the Listings API worldwide (excluding IN) for Hardlines, Softlines, and Consumables. We now have 90% product type coverage. All remaining product types will be available on the Listings API by September 30, 2023.

Stay tuned for future announcements about the availability of Media and Digital product types and subscribe to the PRODUCT_TYPE_DEFINITIONS_CHANGE notification to receive updates as soon as new product types are available.

Which marketplaces are affected?

This change applies to all marketplaces, except IN.

Who is affected?

Product types will be available for all public and private developers that currently use the JSON based Product Type Definitions API and Listings Items API.

What action is required?

This announcement is for awareness only.

For more information

Learn more about integrating with SP-API to build and manage listings workflows from the Building Listings Management Workflows Guide.

Learn more about migrating your existing listings management workflows from XML-based and flat file feeds to Listings Items API in the Migrating Listings Management Workflows Guide.