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January 2023 SP-API Release Announcement

The new getFeaturedOfferExpectedPriceBatch API operation helps sellers compete to become the Featured Offer. This operation is available in the following marketplaces: France, Italy, Spain, Germany, Sweden, Poland, Netherlands, Belgium.

The Featured Offer is an offer for a product that Amazon displays on the product detail page with an Add to Cart button. This API returns the Featured Offer Expected Price (FOEP), which is a computed listing price at or below which the Seller can expect to become the Featured Offer. Featured Offer placement is not guaranteed, because competing offers may change, and different offers may be featured based on other factors, including fulfillment capabilities to a specific customer based on their location. Key features of this API include:

  • Response data: Responses include the FOEP, competing Featured Offer, and current Featured Offer. Sellers can use this information as an additional way to compete for Featured Offer placement.
  • FOEP status: Responses include a status that indicates whether a valid FOEP exists.
  • Batched requests: The getFeaturedOfferExpectedPriceBatch operation of the Product Pricing API lets sellers receive the FOEP data for up to 40 SKUs, provided that the items are in new condition and ship nationwide.
  • Dynamic usage plan: This API implements a dynamic usage plan, which is one that is automatically adjusted to each selling partner based on the current and historical business needs for that business. Refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the SP-API for more information.

New Vendor Direct Fulfillment (DF) attribute and new use case guides

The Vendor Direct Fulfillment Orders API v2021-12-28 has been updated to include the buyerCustomizedInfo attribute, which contains buyer information for products the vendor has configured as customizable, specifying the types of customization or configurations along with types and ranges for their product.

The new Vendor Direct Fulfillment Orders API v2021-23-28 use case guide covers the Vendor DF Orders API, which provides programmatic access to a direct fulfillment vendor's order data, and the new Vendor Direct Fulfillment Transaction Status API v2021-12-28 use case guide covers the Vendor DF Transaction Status API, which provides programmatic access to a direct fulfillment vendor's transaction status.

New Finances API event type

You can now use the CapacityReservationBillingEventList event type to retrieve details related to a Capacity Reservation Billing charge.

New Orders API attribute

The new serialNumber attribute returns a list of serial numbers for electronic products that are shipped to customers. Returned for FBA orders only.

We are excited to announce the launch of a modernized SP-API Developer Hub at developer.amazonservices.com. The site is available in 10 languages. You can register for upcoming webinars through SP-API Developer University, watch on-demand content developed by SP-API experts, read the Newsletter, engage with our Support team, connect with the SP-API developer community and much more.

Visit the site now:
English | German| Italian| French | Chinese
Japanese | Turkish | Portuguese| Hindi | Spanish

Documentation site enhancements

New use case directories identify the APIs, notifications, and reports that you’ll need for general SP-API Seller and Vendor use cases. Additionally, the SP-API models table indicates whether each API is available for sellers or vendors and includes links to each model’s reference and any relevant release notes.


This a reminder that the following products are announcing deprecation and will be unavailable for both sellers and vendors.

API Deprecations

The Reports API v2020-09-04 and the Feeds API v2020-09-04 will no longer be available on March 31, 2023 May 31, 2023. Please migrate to the Reports API v2021-06-30 and the Feeds API v2021-06-30 to prevent service disruption.

Effective January 31, 2023, the following reports will no longer be available in MWS or Selling Partner API:


The replacement reports GET_LEDGER_SUMMARY_VIEW_DATA and GET_LEDGER_DETAIL_VIEW_DATA are currently available in MWS and SP-API. Please plan to move to these replacement reports prior to January 31, 2023 if you wish to continue to access data about your inventory.

The following notification will be unavailable for both sellers and vendors starting February 10, 2023:

The current replacement notification ORDER_STATUS_CHANGE is available in MWS and SP-API. The ORDER_STATUS_CHANGE notification includes a FulfillmentChannel property that allows you to filter order status change notifications based on whether the order is fulfilled by Amazon (AFN) or fulfilled by seller (MFN). You must move to this notification prior to February 10, 2023 to continue to receive order status change notifications.

If you have an application that is affected by this change, ensure that your applications no longer use the notification after February 10, 2023.

Best regards,
The Selling Partner API team

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