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Updates to the Brand Analytics Search Terms Report

Starting March 15, 2023, the GET_BRAND_ANALYTICS_SEARCH_TERMS_REPORT will default the name field and have a more accurate search frequency rank.

What is changing?

Each search term’s department name will default to the name of the Amazon shopping domain. For example, in Canada, all search term data in the report will have a department name of “Amazon.ca”. All searches made, regardless of the department selection, will still count towards the overall shopping domain's frequency for a search term.

Additionally, the back-end calculations for search frequency rank have been improved, resulting in a more accurate overall ranking of each search term.

Which marketplaces are affected?

This change applies to all marketplaces.

Who is affected?

Developers with applications that make use of the departmentName field and the searchFrequencyRank field in the GET_BRAND_ANALYTICS_SEARCH_TERMS_REPORT.

What action is required?

If you have an application that makes use of specific search departments (such as “Electronics”), remove this code, as it will no longer be active.

For more information

For the latest templates, refer to the Inventory file templates and BTG99 in Seller Central.