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Developer HubAPI StatusSupport

Updates to MWS Migration Dates

Migration dates for private MWS applications have been updated. MWS will no longer be available for use by any developer starting April 1, 2024.

What is changing?

After August 31, 2023, Merchant Fulfillment (MFN) API, Orders API, Reports API will no longer be available on MWS. Additionally, the Restricted Data Token (RDT) requirement for Developers whose SP-API applications use Direct-to-Consumer Fulfillment, Tax, Shipping, or Reports use cases will not require use of this new access protocol until August 31, 2023.

All other MWS API sections, including Products API, will not be available after March 31, 2024.

Which marketplaces are affected?

This change applies to all marketplaces.

Who is affected?

All private developers using any MWS API sections for selling on Amazon are affected by this change.

What action is required?

All private developers using any MWS API sections for selling on Amazon must fully migrate to Selling Partner API (SP-API) by March 31, 2024.

For more information

For more information about public developer migration, refer to the SP-API Migration Hub.