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Update to workflow for retrieving inventory summaries with FBA Inventory API v1

When retrieving inventory summaries with the Selling Partner API for FBA Inventory v1, use both the startDateTime and nextToken to get next page of inventory summaries that have changes after the date and time specified. If you use only nextToken, the results will be incorrect.

What is changing?

Starting October 31, 2022, passing only nextToken in subsequent requests after initiating the request with startDateTime will result in an error.

Which marketplaces are affected?

This change applies to all marketplaces.

Who is affected?

Developers who use the Selling Partner API for FBA Inventory v1 are affected by this change.

What action is required?

If you have an application that is affected by this change, be sure to use both startDateTime and nextToken to get next page of all available inventory summaries that have changes after the date and time specified.