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Update: New ineligibility code for getItemEligibilityPreview

Starting August 14, 2024, the getItemEligibilityPreview operation will have a new inbound ineligibility enum value, FBA_INB_0342. This value provides more information on why an offer can't use certain manufacturer barcodes. FBA_INB_0342 provides the following message:

This offer is no longer eligible for sending to Amazon as it is using a manufacturer barcode that has been removed from the ASIN. Please Fix your product before you send this product to Amazon.

Alternatively, please remove the product from the shipment and re-create offer with an Amazon barcode and label your units. Learn More.

Which marketplaces are affected?

This change applies to all marketplaces.

Who is affected?

Developers with applications that use IneligibilityReasonList are affected by this change.

What action is required?

If you have an application that is affected by this change, you must:

  • Update your application to process the new value.
  • Check if enums in IneligibilityReasonList are null, then make sure you don't use getvalue on a null enum value. If you try to use getvalue on a null enum value, the result is a null exception.

For more information

To learn more about getItemEligibilityPreview, refer to the FBA Inbound Eligibility API v1 Reference.