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Important: Selling Partner API Migration Updates for all Public MWS Developers

As we start the new year, we want to share an additional important migration date that will affect all third-party developed applications that are authorized by Selling Partners, and are in the Amazon Selling Partner Appstore (“public applications”).

There is no change in the previously communicated migration dates for the Amazon (MWS) Orders, Reports, and Merchant Fulfillment Network (MFN) sections, Restricted Data Token (RDT) requirement, and the MWS Products section that we shared in separate announcements.

This post is to announce that we are now requiring all third-party public developers using any other MWS API sections to fully migrate to Selling Partner API (SP-API) by December 31, 2022. Additional API details of these requirements for all public MWS developers are listed below.

SP-API offers a number of improvements over MWS such as modernized, JSON-based REST API design standards, OAuth2.0 selling partner authorization using Login with Amazon, and a test endpoint. Having all public developer applications fully integrated with SP-API by December 31, 2022, will provide the best customer and developer experience within the Amazon Selling Partner Appstore.

We are focused on providing the necessary information, tools, and assistance to migrate your apps to SP-API. If your application needs to be migrated to SP-API, we will automatically create a support case in Seller Central in the coming week for us to communicate with you directly.

MWS Orders, Reports, and MFN sections

Effective July 31, 2022, all third-party developed applications authorized by selling partners (“public applications”) using the following Amazon MWS sections must migrate to the Selling Partner API (SP-API):

  • Orders
  • Reports
  • MFN

Applications that do not migrate will not be able to successfully call these sections in MWS beginning 8/1/2022.

Restricted Data Token (RDT) requirement

Effective July 31, 2022, developers whose SP-API applications have Direct-to-Consumer Fulfillment, Tax, Shipping, or Reports use cases must use the new Restricted Data Token (RDT) via the Tokens API to make a successful API call for some operations.

MWS Products section

Effective September 30, 2022, all third-party developed applications authorized by selling partners (“public applications”) using the Amazon MWS Products section must be migrated to SP-API Catalog Items API and Listings Items API sections. Applications that do not migrate will not be able to successfully call these sections in Amazon MWS beginning 10/1/2022.

The Selling Partner API for Catalog Items v0 listCatalogItems and getCatalogItem operations are deprecated as of September 30, 2022.

All other MWS sections

Effective December 31, 2022, all third-party developed applications authorized by selling partners (“public applications”) must be fully integrated with SP-API for all remaining application operations. This includes applications using the following MWS API sections:

  • Feeds API
  • Finances API
  • Fulfillment Inbound Shipment API
  • Fulfillment Inventory API
  • Fulfillment Outbound Shipment API
  • Recommendations API
  • Sellers API
  • Subscriptions API
  • Push Notifications Schemas

Applications that do not fully migrate will not be able to successfully call any sections in MWS after January 1, 2023.

Which marketplaces are affected?

This affects all marketplaces.

Who is affected?

All Amazon MWS third-party (“public”) developers.

Note: Developers with self-authorized (“private”) applications using the Amazon MWS do not need to take action at this time. We will share more information about migration dates for self-authorized applications in the coming months.

What action is required?

Third-party public developers using the Orders, Reports, or Merchant Fulfillment API sections must migrate to SP-API by July 31, 2022.

Third-party public developers whose SP-API applications have Direct-to-Consumer Fulfillment, Tax, Shipping, or Reports use cases must use the new Restricted Data Token (RDT) via the Tokens API by July 31, 2022.

Third-party public developers using the Products section must migrate to SP-API by September 30, 2022.

Third-party public developers using all other MWS sections must migrate to SP-API by December 31, 2022.

If your organization is affected by this, please monitor the case log in the Seller Central account associated to your MWS application for a follow up message in the coming week.

Private developers with private apps using these MWS sections are not required to take action at this time.

More information

These resources are available to aid your migration:

Best regards,

The Selling Partner API team