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September 2023 SP-API Release Announcement

Listings Items API pack hierarchy attributes are now available in US, EU, and JP

Developers can now use the Listings Items API to create package hierarchy relationships, which can link units, case packs, and pallets of a product to create a connected listing. This change improves both search visibility and the detail page experience. Developers can create items representing the following:

  • Individual sellable unit
  • Case (innerpack) containing the individual unit and referencing the SKU identifier of the individual unit
  • Pallet (casepack) containing the case (innerpack)

Developers can reference the SKU identifier of all product size hierarchies (units, cases, and pallets) with the package hierarchy attributes provided.

To learn more about creating package hierarchies using Listings Items API, refer to theConfiguring package hierarchies section of the Building Listings Management Workflows Guide.

Update to the Orders API to clarify BuyerCompanyName description

The BuyerCompanyName operation description in the Orders v0 API has been updated to clarify the company name of the destination address.


SP-API resources announcing deprecation will no longer be supported after their deprecation date. Calls to deprecated resources will fail beginning on their sunset date.


  • Effective immediately, the FBA Small and Light program is deprecated. For more information, refer to the FBA Small and Light program deprecation notice.
  • The Authorization API v1 is announcing deprecation September 20, 2023 and will sunset on March 20, 2024. This API helps facilitate the migration from MWS to SP-API, which will be complete by by March 31, 2024.
  • The Fulfillment Inbound API v0 getInboundGuidance operation is announcing deprecation on September 20, 2023 and will sunset on December 28, 2023. This API is currently returning static data and should not be used.
  • The Merchant Fulfillment API v0 getEligibleShipmentServicesOld, cancelShipmentOld, and getAdditionalSellerInputsOld operations are announcing deprecation on September 20, 2023 and will sunset on December 28, 2023.
  • Feeds API v2020-09-04 and Reports API v2020-09-04 will have a lower throttle rate from Aug 16, 2023 through October 18, 2023. These APIs will sunset on October 18, 2023.


  • GET_FBA_UNO_INVENTORY_DATA is announcing deprecation on September 20, 2023 and will sunset on March 31, 2024. This report is associated with the FBA Small and Light program, which is on a deprecation path. For more information, refer to the FBA Small and Light program deprecation notice.
  • GET_PRODUCT_EXCHANGE_DATA is announcing deprecation on September 20, 2023 and will sunset on December 28, 2023.

For additional information about SP-API deprecation dates, refer to the Deprecations table.

Best regards,
The Selling Partner API team