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September 2022 SP-API Release Announcement

Vendor Direct Fulfillment updates

The Vendor Direct Fulfillment Shipping API v2021-12-28 now includes a createShippingLabels operation. This synchronous operation allows developers to make one call with a restricted data token (RDT) and receive the ship labels as a base64 encoded string in the API response within seconds. The operation creates shipping labels for a purchase order and returns the labels. Note that the createShippingLabels operation does not have any sandbox support at this time.

This release of the Vendor Direct Fulfillment Shipping API v2021-12-28 also includes production and dynamic sandbox support for all of the equivalent V1 operations.

The Vendor Direct Fulfillment Dynamic Sandbox Guide has been updated to describe the additional support in this Vendor Direct Fulfillment Shipping v2021-12-28 release. This guide describes how to use the dynamic sandbox implementation in the vendor models that support it.

Tokens API update

The following operations have been added to the restricted operations list for the Vendor Direct Fulfillment Shipping API v2021-12-28:

  • createShippingLabels
  • getPackingSlip
  • getCustomerInvoice
  • getShippingLabel

New eventType filter for Inventory Ledger Report

The Inventory Ledger Report (GET_LEDGER_DETAIL_VIEW_DATA) now includes a new eventType filter to filter on particular warehouse events. Sellers can pass any of the following warehouse events values with the report request to get the report for the particular event: Adjustments, CustomerReturns, Receipts, Shipments, VendorReturns, WhseTransfers. The default value is empty and returns all events. For more information, refer to the Report Type Values documentation.

New developer documentation

The new VAT Calculation Service Guide provides developers in EU marketplaces with guidance for Amazon’s VAT Calculation Service. Amazon’s VAT Calculation Service provides sellers with VAT calculation services and invoicing functionality. The guide includes three options for uploading invoices, as well as best practices, example use cases, and additional resources.

The Solicitations API v1 Use Case Guide covers the Selling Partner API for Solicitations (Solicitations API) which helps you build applications that let sellers send consistent, high-quality solicitations to buyers. Sellers can request both a product review and seller feedback by sending a single template-based email. The included tutorial will help get you started.

The Messaging API v1 Use Case Guide discusses the Messaging API. With this API, sellers can send a variety of message types to buyers including order related questions, arranging a delivery, or requesting the removal of negative feedback. The guide includes a workflow and tutorial.

The URL encoding guide explains how to encode URLs to avoid errors with SKUs. If you want a URL with forbidden ASCII characters or non-ASCII characters, or a URL that uses special characters without invoking their special meaning, you must encode the URL.


This a reminder that the following products are announcing deprecation and will be unavailable for both sellers and vendors.

Catalog Items v0 API operations

Effective September 30, 2022, these operations will no longer be available in the Selling Partner API for Catalog Items v0:

  • listCatalogItems
  • getCatalogItem

These operations are available in the latest version of the Selling Partner API for Catalog Items v2022-04-01. Integrations that rely on these operations should migrate to the latest version to avoid service disruption.

Note: The listCatalogCategories operation is not being deprecated and calls using this operation will continue to be successful.

FBA Inventory Reports

Effective January 31, 2023, the following reports will no longer be available in MWS or Selling Partner API:


The replacement reports GET_LEDGER_SUMMARY_VIEW_DATA and GET_LEDGER_DETAIL_VIEW_DATA are currently available in MWS and SP-API. Please plan to move to these replacement reports prior to January 31, 2023 if you wish to continue to access data about your inventory.

Best regards,

The Selling Partner API team