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Updates to Amazon Points in Flat Files & XSD

Changes in March 2023 will remove Points attributes from Inventory feeds and XSD as we continue to simplify the experience of managing Amazon Points.

What is changing?

On March 21, 2023, the StandardPricePointsPercent and SalePricePointsPercent attributes will be removed from XSD, and the standard_price_points_percent and sale_price_points_percent attributes will be removed from Listing feeds. As a result, you will no longer be able to update Points through Inventory/Listing feeds or XSD.

Which marketplaces are affected?

This change applies to the Japan marketplace.

Who is affected?

Developers with applications that upload and update product listings, pricing, and/or points percent using feeds via SP-API or MWS are affected by this change.

What action is required?

If you have an application that is affected by these changes, remove Points attributes from Inventory feeds and XSD by March 21, 2023, and use the SP-API Points feed with the POST_FLAT_FILE_OFFER_POINTS_PREFERENCE_DATA feed type to submit Points changes instead. See Manage Points via Selling Partner API for details.

For more information

For more details about these changes, including instructions for submitting and requesting Points settings through SP-API, please refer to the following pages.

Thank you for your continued partnership.