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Developer HubAPI StatusSupport

Update: Feed retention policy change from 90 days to 28 days

Starting May 30, 2024, Amazon will retain feed documents for a maximum of 30 28 days.

Any feeds submitted using the Feeds API on or after May 30, 2024 will be retained for 30 28 days. Any feeds submitted prior to May 30, 2024 will follow the previous policy and will be retained for 90 days.

Note this retention policy only applies to submitted feed documents. Changes to listings, orders, shipments, etc. as the result of a successful feed submission will persist as expected.

Which marketplaces are affected?

This change applies to all marketplaces.

Who is affected?

All public and private developers who currently use the Feeds API v2021-06-30 or Feeds API v2020-09-04 are affected.

What action is required?

No action is required.

For more information

To learn more about integrating with the SP-API to submit feeds, refer to the Feeds API v2021-06-30 reference.