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April 2022 SP-API Release Announcement

Introducing Partner Network News by Amazon Seller Central Partner Network

Our new Partner Network News site is located at https://developer.amazonservices.com/newsletter. You can peruse the current issue, search through past issues, vote, and submit feedback on content. We’ll use your feedback to help drive content for future issues.

New Vendor Direct Fulfillment Dynamic Sandbox

The Selling Partner API dynamic sandbox environment allows you to test your applications without affecting production data or triggering real-world events. The dynamic sandbox routes requests to a sandbox backend that can return realistic responses based on the request parameters. By sending requests to the sandbox endpoints instead of the production endpoints, you can test standard workflows without impacting production data. For more information, see the new Vendor Direct Fulfillment Dynamic Sandbox Guide.

New Migration Guide for Vendor Retail Analytics Reports

In March, we announced new versions of four vendor retail analytics reports and a requirement to migrate to new versions of these reports by June 27, 2022. To assist with migration efforts, we released a new Vendor Retail Analytics Reports Migration Guide. This guide explains changes to the vendor retail analytics reports and provides steps for migration.

FBA Inventory API Now Available Globally

FBA Inventory API is now available globally! The FBA Inventory API lets you track the real-time availability of your inventory in Amazon's fulfillment network at the marketplace level. You can get details such as listing condition and inventory quantities such as fulfillable, inbound, reserved, unfulfillable, and researching. For more information, see the FBA Inventory API and the new FBA Inventory API Use Case Guide.

API Releases

Easy Ship API

New Easy Ship API helps you build applications that help sellers manage and ship Amazon Easy Ship orders. Your Easy Ship applications can:

  • Get available time slots for packages to be scheduled for delivery.
  • Schedule, reschedule, and cancel Easy Ship orders.
  • Print labels, invoices, and warranties.

Easy Ship operations are only available in select marketplaces and support for specific operations varies in each marketplace. See the following table for supported operations by marketplace.

Easy Ship marketplace support

MarketplaceRegionSupported Handover MethodsGet Time SlotsCreate PackageUpdate PackageGet Package StatusShipping LabelInvoiceWarranty
MexicoNAPickup onlyUnscheduled Orders onlySupportedNot SupportedSupportedSupportedNot SupportedNot Supported
IndiaEUPickup onlyScheduled & Unscheduled OrdersSupportedSupportedSupportedSupportedSupportedSupported
TurkeyEUPickup & DropoffUnscheduled Orders onlySupportedNot SupportedSupportedSupportedNot SupportedNot Supported
AustraliaFEPickup onlyUnscheduled Orders onlySupportedNot SupportedSupportedSupportedNot SupportedNot Supported
SingaporeFEPickup onlyUnscheduled Orders onlySupportedNot SupportedSupportedSupportedNot SupportedNot Supported

FBA Inventory API

Notifications API

  • New PRICING_HEALTH notification is sent whenever a seller offer is ineligible to be the Featured Offer (Buy Box offer) because of an uncompetitive price.
  • New FulfillmentChannel property in the ORDER_STATUS_CHANGE notification allows you to filter order status change notifications based on whether the order is fulfilled by Amazon (AFN) or fulfilled by seller (MFN).

Vendor Direct Fulfillment APIs
The following vendor direct fulfillment APIs add support for testing using the new dynamic sandbox feature. For more information, see the Vendor Direct Fulfillment Dynamic Sandbox guide.

Report Deprecation

The following brand analytics reports are announcing deprecation and will be unavailable for both sellers and vendors as of June 30, 2022:


There are no planned replacements for these reports. If you have an application that is affected by this change, be sure to ensure your applications no longer use the deprecated report types after June 30, 2022.

Best regards,

The Selling Partner API team