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Update: Amazon API Services Developer Agreement, Data Protection Policy, and Acceptable Use Policy

Effective June 12, 2024, we are updating the Amazon Services API Developer Agreement, Data Protection Policy (DPP), and Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). These updates may require changes to your existing application security or controls.

Your continued use of Amazon Services API after June 12, 2024 constitutes your acceptance of the updated agreement and policies. Review the updated agreement and policies upon publication to review the entirety of the updates. The following sections list the key changes.

Key changes to Developer Agreement

  • Addition of Section 16 Acknowledgment
  • Consolidation and alignment of license termination clause with termination provision
  • Additions to the modification provision:
    • When we make a materially adverse change to the Amazon Services API or API Materials, as reasonably determined by us, we will provide you with advance notice
    • Included additional language to explain when we may suspect or restrict access to an API or API Materials
  • Updates to your obligations in the Publicity provision
  • Removal of waiver of certain rights for disputes in Australia
  • Addition of governing law provision for South Africa
  • Updated and clarified the definition of “Policies

Key changes to Data Protection Policy

  • Updates that require developers to take additional network protection steps, including:
    • Implementing intrusion detection and prevention mechanisms
    • Patching anti-virus and anti-malware tools and restricting employees from modifying their settings
    • Requiring secure coding trainings
  • New requirements for periodic patch management in order to lower the risks faced by developer information systems
  • New requirements for maintaining accuracy during quarterly inventory updates in order to reduce the number of inaccurate inventories

Key changes to Acceptable Use Policy

  • Update for direct developers to monitor for client-side errors and take steps to limit these errors in order to maintain efficiency and good hygiene
  • New requirements for developers to share information with Amazon if they have undergone a significant event that changes their need for information
  • Clarification of when to disclose to Amazon about affiliated entities involved in your application or service
  • Addition of hyperlinks for regional API-specific policies

Which marketplaces are affected?

This change applies to all marketplaces.

For more information

To learn more, refer to the specific agreements and policies pages: