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Deprecation Notice: Suppressed listings reports and FBA Inventory reports

As a reminder, effective June 15, 2022, the _GET_MERCHANT_LISTINGS_DEFECT_DATA_ and _LISTINGS_DEFECT_REPORT_XL_ reports will no longer be available in MWS or Selling Partner API. The replacement report _GET_MERCHANTS_LISTINGS_FYP_REPORT_ is currently available in MWS and SP-API. Please plan to move to this new report prior to June 15, 2022 if you wish to continue to access data about your suppressed listings.

For more information on this deprecation, see the posted announcement.

FBA Inventory Reports Deprecation

Effective November 15, 2022 January 31, 2023, the following reports will no longer be available in MWS or Selling Partner API:


The replacement reports GET_LEDGER_SUMMARY_VIEW_DATA and GET_LEDGER_DETAIL_VIEW_DATA are currently available in MWS and SP-API. Please plan to move to these replacement reports prior to November 15, 2022 January 31, 2023 if you wish to continue to access data about your inventory.

Amazon recommends that you start using the replacement reports immediately to ensure you have a more comprehensive set of your inventory data. The GET_LEDGER_SUMMARY_VIEW_DATA report provides end-to-end inventory reconciliation capability by showing starting inventory balance, received inventory, customer orders, customer returns, adjustments, removals and ending balance. The GET_LEDGER_DETAIL_VIEW_DATA helps you to analyze your inventory movements to and from Amazon fulfillment centers, including products that are sold, returned, removed/disposed, damaged, lost, and found.

Which marketplaces are affected?

This change applies to all marketplaces.

Who is affected?

Developers who use the following reports in MWS:


What action is required?

If you have an application that is affected by this change, you must update your application to use the replacement reports by the following dates to avoid service disruption:

  • By June 15, 2022, update your application to use the replacement suppressed listings report _GET_MERCHANTS_LISTINGS_FYP_REPORT_
  • By November 15, 2022 January 31, 2023 update your application to use the replacement inventory reports GET_LEDGER_SUMMARY_VIEW_DATA and GET_LEDGER_DETAIL_VIEW_DATA

For more information

For more information on the suppressed listings reports deprecation, see the posted announcement. For the latest information on inventory reports, see Inventory Ledger Report Help Node in Seller Central.