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Changes to Orders API and Reports API for buyer cancellation requests (Updated dates)

Starting May 10, 2022,

Dates for this change have been updated as follows:

  • Canada, US, Mexico, and Brazil starting May 23, 2022.
  • Singapore, Autstrailia, and Japan starting June 6, 2022.
  • All other marketplaces starting May 23, 2022.

On these dates, the MWS Orders API and Reports API sections, and Selling Partner APIs for Orders and Reports will be updated for buyer-initiated cancellation requests. Sellers will no longer receive cancellation requests through Buyer-Seller Messages but will instead see these requests displayed through two new fields in the Orders API and an optional field in the Reports API. Sellers will continue to receive email notifications of order cancellations.

What is changing?

Sellers will no longer receive cancellation requests through Buyer-Seller Messages and will instead see cancellation requests displayed through two new fields in the Orders API and an optional field in the Reports API.

Changes to Orders API

Selling Partner API for Orders

When a buyer initiates an order cancellation request, the LastUpdateDate field is updated and the ListOrders operation returns orders updated for the specified date range.

The ordersV0GetOrderItemsList operation response will include two new fields -IsBuyerRequestedCancel and BuyerCancelReason.
If a buyer has requested an order cancellation, the IsBuyerRequestedCancel field is set to TRUE and BuyerCancelReason displays the cancellation reason specified by the buyer.

MWS Orders API section

When a buyer initiates an order cancellation request, the LastUpdateDate field is updated and the ListOrders operation returns orders updated for the specified date range.

The ListOrderItems and ListOrderItemsByNextToken operation responses include two new fields - IsBuyerRequestedCancel and BuyerCancelReason.

If a buyer has requested an order cancellation, the IsBuyerRequestedCancel field is set to TRUE and BuyerCancelReason displays the cancellation reason specified by the Buyer.

Changes to Reports API

The Selling Partner API for Reports Order reports category includes an optional field is_buyer_requested_cancellation to indicate whether the buyer has initiated an order cancellation request.

• When TRUE, the buyer has initiated an order cancellation request.

• When FALSE, the buyer has not initiated an order cancellation request.

The is_buyer_requested_cancellation field is only visible if the Selling Partner has enabled this function. For instructions on how to enable this function, see Upcoming changes to the buyer-initiated order cancelation process.

Which marketplaces are affected?

This change applies to all marketplaces. Due to the nature of this change, it is starting on different dates depending on the marketplace.

• This change applies to Canada, US, Mexico, Brazil, Singapore, Australia, and Japan marketplaces starting May 10, 2022.

• This change applies to all other marketplaces starting May 23, 2022.
Dates for this change have been updated as follows:

  • Canada, US, Mexico, and Brazil starting May 23, 2022.
  • Singapore, Autstrailia, and Japan starting June 6, 2022.
  • All other marketplaces starting May 23, 2022.

Who is affected?

Developers who want to include the buyer order cancellation requests in their order management applications are affected by these changes.

What action is required?

If you have an application that is affected by these changes, update your application workflow to accommodate the buyer requested cancellation status and buyer cancel reason in the following ways:

• Run the ListOrders operation periodically to receive updated orders for any Buyer requested cancellations.

• Import the IsBuyerRequestedCancel and BuyerCancelReason fields with each order item to give sellers visibility for orders with cancellation requests.

For more information

For details, examples, and FAQs, see Upcoming changes to the buyer-initiated order cancelation process on Seller Central.