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Application Authorization Limits and Listing Restrictions

Beginning April 25, 2022, we will introduce application authorization limits and restrict application listing on the Amazon Selling Partner Appstore to public applications. These limits are dependent on the Developer’s data access type (public or private developer) which was selected in your Developer Profile.

What is changing?

• Private applications will be restricted to the self-authorization workflow and will have a limit of 10 self-authorizations per selling partner type.

• Private developers will no longer be able to list their applications on the Amazon Selling Partner Appstore.

• All public applications will be allowed to configure and use OAuth via the Amazon Selling Partner Appstore authorization workflow (for sellers only) or the Website authorization workflow. Self-authorization will be limited to 10 authorizations that may be used for internal testing.

• Public seller applications will be limited to 25 seller authorizations prior to listing on the Amazon Selling Partner Appstore. Once listed, this limit will be removed and applications can possess unlimited authorizations.

• Developers will be able to view authorization limits and usage for your applications from the Developer Central page on Seller Central or Vendor Central.

Table: Authorization limit summary per selling partner type

App type Self-authorization limit OAuthorization limit
Private 10 Not applicable
Public (unlisted) 10 a. Seller: 25
b. Vendor: Unlimited
Public (listed) 10 a. Seller: Unlimited
b. Vendor: Not applicable

Which marketplaces are affected?

This change applies to all marketplaces.

Who is affected?

SP-API and hybrid applications created after April 25, 2022 will be affected by this change. We’ll also enforce limits on applications created prior to April 25, 2022.

What action is required?

• If you are registered as a private developer but wish to create publicly available applications, please update your Developer profile to public developer.

• If you are registered as a public developer and want access to unlimited OAuthorizations for your new application, be prepared to configure OAuth on the application and list your application on the Amazon Selling Partner Appstore.

• Otherwise, no action is required.

For more information

Refer to the SP-API Developer Guide for more information on registering as a developer, registering your application, and application authorization limits.