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New Data Kiosk API reports experience available as public beta

We are excited to announce our first public beta! On November 15, 2023, we launched the Data Kiosk API, a new reports experience that allows you to retrieve the specific reporting data you need without the data you don't.


Public betas will be in the beta section

Documentation for public betas will be in the Beta section of the SP-API documentation site.

Data Kiosk is a GraphQL-based dynamic reporting suite for accessing bulk data. Developers who build reporting solutions on behalf of Selling Partners can use the Data Kiosk API to easily discover and select data fields from a comprehensive Amazon retail dataset to generate business insights. Our provided Data Kiosk Schema Explorer allows you to explore the data available to you and build the GraphQL query used to retrieve it. This allows you to retrieve reporting data without pulling an entire report with it, as you would do when getting a report via the Reports API.

Key benefits

  • Flexible Reporting: Structure custom queries to explore unique Selling Partner use cases and address top business priorities.
  • Interactive Metadata Explorer: Use our interactive Schema Explorer to study the details of our repository of datasets.
  • Efficient API Calls: Get only the data you need and eliminate under- and over-fetching.
  • JSONL reports: All reports are vended in a scalable JSONL format.
  • Secure Data Access: Request visibility is limited to requests submitted by a given application, ensuring security of Selling Partner Data.

Provide Feedback

As part of the public beta, we appreciate any and all feedback! You can leave feedback for the documentation by selecting Did this page help you? at the bottom of each page and leaving a comment, and you can submit requests for certain data on GitHub by opening an issue with the Data Request label. You can also open a support case with Developer Support.

What’s Next?

We will add more datasets to Data Kiosk to make Data Kiosk the only reporting solution you need for Selling Partner Data. Look for future launch announcements to stay up to date with new dataset launches. You can always see all the datasets in the Schema Explorer.


You can find more information on Data Kiosk at:

We look forward to your participation in our first public beta!

Best regards,

The Selling Partner API team