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Update: Fulfillment Outbound API v2020-07-01 adds deliveryOffers and updates getFulfillmentOrder and createFulfillmentOrder

Multi-Channel Fulfillment (MCF) sellers can now access our new dynamic delivery offers feature using the new deliveryOffers API operation.

Dynamic delivery offers provide access to standard click-to-delivery offers for all buyable products within a US ZIP Code or US IP address. Because dynamic delivery offers use the same delivery speed as standard click-to-delivery, we anticipate improved shopper checkout rates. deliveryOffers is only available in the United States (US) marketplace.

For more information, refer to the Get Dynamic Delivery Offer tutorial.

We've also added new optional fields to two API operations: getFulfillmentOrder and createFulfillmentOrder. The getFulfillmentOrder response can now display a lockerDetails field. The CreateFulfillmentOrder request can now display a deliveryPreferences field. These fields are only available in the Japan (JP) marketplace.