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Developer HubAPI StatusSupport

SP-API Health Dashboard

What is changing?

We are excited to announce the launch of our public Selling Partner API Health Dashboard! You are now able to view the current health status of every operation and past incidents from last 30 days for the APIs listed below. The SP-API Health Dashboard is a single page with health status information for all regions (NA, EU, and FE) and can be accessed without logging in to your Amazon account.

  • A+ Content API
  • Authorization API
  • Catalog Items API
  • Product Type Definitions API
  • Easy Ship API
  • Fulfillment Inbound API
  • FBA Inventory API
  • Fulfillment Outbound API
  • Shipment Invoicing API
  • FBA Small and Light API
  • Feeds API
  • Finances API
  • Listings Items API
  • Messaging API
  • Merchant Fulfillment API
  • Notifications API
  • Orders API
  • Product Fees API
  • Product Pricing API
  • Reports API
  • Sales API
  • Sellers API
  • Services API
  • Shipping API
  • Solicitations API
  • Tokens API
  • Uploads API
  • Vendor Direct Fulfillment - Inventory API
  • Vendor Direct Fulfillment - Orders API
  • Vendor Direct Fulfillment - Payments API
  • Vendor Direct Fulfillment - Shipping API
  • Vendor Orders API
  • Vendor Invoices API
  • Vendor Shipments API
  • Vendor Transaction Status API

Which marketplaces are affected?

This change applies to all marketplaces.

What action is required?

No action is required.

For more information

See the SP-API Health Dashboard.

We would like to hear from you! Please leave us your feedback and comments here: https://github.com/amzn/selling-partner-api-docs/discussions/2737