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Legacy Book Product Types Deprecation

Starting September 12, 2022, we will accept books related listings only in the ABIS_BOOK product type. The following seven legacy book product types will be deprecated:

  • BOOK
  • BOOKS_PRE_1973

What is changing?

This change will be implemented in 1x1, Bulk templates, and XSDs/APIs to maintain parity in the listing experience.

Which marketplaces are affected?

This change applies to all marketplaces where the ABIS_BOOK product type is launched.

Who is affected?

Developers with applications that list in the above 7 book product types are affected by this change.

What action is required?

Only use the ABIS_BOOK XSD file to create listings, as the XSD files for the above 7 product types will be removed from Seller Central.