
Pre-Launch Announcement: Amazon Shipping Tracking ID Format Update for UK Market

We want to notify you about an upcoming change to the format of Amazon Shipping tracking IDs.

Why is this important?

This change is significant as it will standardize the Amazon Shipping tracking ID with other markets. It is crucial for our shippers and third-party integrators to be aware of this update to ensure seamless integration with internal systems or processes relying on the tracking ID format.

When is it happening?

This change will take effect on October 14, 2024.

What marketplace will it affect?

This update will be applicable for shipments fulfilled by Amazon Shipping in the UK Market. Tracking IDs our third party carriers will remain unchanged.

What is the actual change?

Amazon Shipping tracking IDs, which currently start with "A1", will now begin with a two-letter country code followed by a 10-digit sequence. For example, the new format will be "UK2001003586", making a total of 12 characters.

Current structure:
XX + Sequence (10 digits), with varying "XX". Example: A10700862793 (total 12 digits)
New structure:
CountryCode + Sequence (10 digits). Example: UK2001003586 (total 12 digits)

Note: Tracking IDs for shipments fulfilled via third-party carriers (other than Amazon Logistics) will remain unchanged.


  1. What systems will be impacted?
    The new format will be used across all systems of Amazon Shipping.
  2. Do I need to take any action?
    No immediate action is required from your end. However, we recommend updating any internal systems or processes that have a dependency on the Amazon Shipping tracking ID format to ensure compatibility with the new structure.
  3. Will this change how I track my shipments?
    No, the tracking process itself will remain the same. Only the format of the tracking IDs will change.
  4. Will this change affect how I receive push notifications for my shipments?
    No, the push notifications to your webhook will remain the same. Only the format of the tracking IDs will change.
  5. Will this have an impact on shipments from third-party carriers?
    No, this change will not impact tracking IDs for shipments fulfilled via third-party carriers. Their tracking ID format remain unchanged.