Launch Announcement: “Seller Display Name” field is available WW
We are excited to announce the “Seller Display Name” feature. This feature allows the Amazon Shipping API customers to override the default Shipper Name and display specific Seller Name to end recipients in the Tracking Website and in the email and SMS notifications.
Why is this important?
The Amazon Shipping API gives shippers programmatic access to Amazon Shipping services. By enabling the “Seller Display Name” field we provide a seamless way to display the seller’s name instead of Shipper name setup in Amazon’s Shipper Central. We are confident this experience of displaying will be more engaging and tailored to end customer needs. The seller display name is visible on the Recipient central (tracking website) and also in the email notification. The feature will specially benefit order aggregators/ 3PL as the end customers are familiar with the Seller name than the aggregator name.
How will the Seller Name be displayed in the Recipient central and in the email notification?
The SellerDisplayName field is an optional field available via Amazon Shipping V2 API. In the getRatesV2 API request, the seller name can be passed in the "sellerDisplayName" field. In case, no value is passed in the "sellerDisplayName" field the default name of the Shipper in Amazon Shipper Central is displayed.
Sample getRates API request with sellerDisplayName field:
"shipTo": {
"name": "TEST",
"addressLine1": "Stamford Bridge",
"addressLine2": "SWA Test Account",
"stateOrRegion": "London",
"city": "London",
"countryCode": "GB",
"postalCode": "BB3 2EN",
"email": "[email protected]",
"phoneNumber": "0123456789"
"shipFrom": {
"name": "2DD test",
"addressLine1": "68 Mansel Rd",
"addressLine2": "SWA Test Account",
"stateOrRegion": "Birmingham",
"city": "Birmingham",
"countryCode": "GB",
"postalCode": "B10 9LZ"
"packages": [
"dimensions": {
"length": 30,
"width": 33,
"height": 21.50,
"unit": "CENTIMETER"
"weight": {
"unit": "KILOGRAM",
"value": 2.00
"items": [
"quantity": 1,
"itemIdentifier": "A91-062-1/1",
"description": "Item Description",
"isHazmat": false,
"weight": {
"unit": "KILOGRAM",
"value": 2.00
"insuredValue": {
"unit": "GBP",
"value": 10.00
"packageClientReferenceId": "REF12345",
"sellerDisplayName": "A TEST Seller"
"channelDetails": {
"channelType": "EXTERNAL"
• shipTo/email is the recipient email to which mail notification is sent.
• shipTo/phoneNumber is the recipient mobile number to which SMS notification is sent.
• packages/sellerDisplayName is the field which captures the Seller name that is included in email, SMS notifications and displayed in Recipient central(tracking) page.
Sample shipment with Seller Name visible on the Recipient Central(tracking) page:

Figure 1. Tracking Page